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  "(Alright. That settles it. Don't SAVE unless really needed.)" After finally concluding this, the Human went into the house, where Toriel was standing at the entrance. There was a nice scent flowing through the house. "Do you smell that my Child?" "Yum..."Said the human "Whatever it is, it smells really good!"  

  "Surprise!" Exclaimed Toriel. She had said it so loud and savagely, that the Human was startled at how loud she could be. "It is a Butterscotch-Cinnamon Pie. I would like to celebrate your staying here, so I will hold off on Snail Pie for tonight." The human nodded to show understanding but inside, the human was disgusted that Snail Pie was even a suggestion. "I have another surprise for you child. Come with me."  

  The human followed Toriel down the hallway, and Toriel stopped in front of a room. "This will be your room my Child." said Toriel. Both the human and Toriel paused looking at the closed door. Just then, Toriel smiled, and pet the Humans head. "Erhm... is something burning? MychildIneedtochecksomethinggoaheadandmakeyourselfathome!!!" And with that, Toriel ran to the kitchen. "...Okay... *yawn* Why am I so tired...? If I remember right, there's a bed in there..."  

  The human was barely able to stumble into the bed in the room, and passed out with half of their body hanging off the bed. 30 minutes later, Toriel walked into the room with a slice of Butterscotch-Cinnamon Pie, but when she saw the child sleep, she helped them get all the way on the bed, and left the Pie on the floor. When she did this, She turned off the light, and left the room, and closed the door.  

  The human woke up an hour later, wondering how they had managed to get all the way on the bed. They looked around, and saw the Pie on the floor. They picked it up, and it was added to their inventory. "*Stretch* Ahh! Welp. I'm not making any progress sitting in this room. Better move on... sadly, as I know what comes next..."  

  The human walked into the living room, and saw Toriel sitting in a reading chair, with a book by a fireplace. She noticed the Human enter the room. "Oh! Hello my Child. I see that you are awake." "That. Bed. Is. Way.Too.Comfortable!!!!!!!"Said the human. "Comfortable in a bad way?" Said Toriel looking worried. "No way!! That bed was so comfortable, I never wanted to leave it! What kind of blankets do you use?!" The human was very excited about how comfy the bed was, and Toriels face beamed at all of the compliments.  

  "Thank you my Child. You are very nice. Oh! Did, you by chance, need something?" In the middle of all the compliments, the human had entirely forgotten why they had went to see Toriel. "...yeah... Um, I don't mean to sound like I haven't been grateful for you taking care of me-I really do appreciate it- but........." The human's voice trailed off from sadness of what they were about to ask.  

  But Toriel looked depressed as though she knew what they were going to say. "You wish to know how to exit the ruins... don't you...?" "!!!" The human was surprised that Toriel knew what they were going to say. "How..." "1. It is written all over your face. 2. Every Human that falls here asks the same question. *Sigh* It's just... I thought that you would be the Human to finally stay... I thought you would stay, so I could have just a trace of a family left... I thought... since you called me 'mother', you would stay, and I COULD be your 'mother'... But... things do not always work as you want them to... If you truly wish to leave the ruins, I will not stop you... but when you leave... please do not come back... I hope you understand..."  

   The human and Toriel were both on the verge of tears. Toriel opened up her arms, welcoming the Human into them for a hug. The human ran crying into Toriels arms, and Toriel and the human hugged crying for about 2 minutes. "I'll miss you mom... but I have to progr-... get home.(NEED. TO. REMEMBER!!) "The way out of the RUINS is downstairs. Just follow the path, and you will be out. ... be good, won't you...?" And with that, Toriel ran into her room with tears streaming down her face. The human began walking down the stairs with tears running down their face as well.

  Once the human reached the bottom of the stairs, there were three curves away from the door. The door was bright/dark purple, and hard to open. But, the human managed to get it open eventually. From there, it was a long hallway to the actual end of the RUINS.  

  As the human got closer to the end of the hallway, a light from the end got brighter and brighter. The human almost went blind when they were really close, so they closed their eyes, with tears lightly still pouring from them, and walked out through the light.  

  There was an old "friend" waiting for the human outside, and when the they saw them, they wiped the tears from one eye, and they were about to get the other one, but decided not to. They took the tears from the other eye as a memory of their new Parent.  

  "Howdy! You didn't forget about your best friend did you?" Flowey was sitting there in the same field of grass he was in at the beginning... or at least, it had looked the same. "Heh. How can anybody forget about you?" said the human smugly. "...Interesting. Toriel ended up having to fight every other human, but she didn't fight you. I wonder why that is. Maybe she just had enough of people turning their backs on her for their own sake of not caring, and wanting to go home!"  

  The human could tell that Flowey was just trying to make them feel bad for leaving Toriel, and he was trying to influence them to go back and kill her. "Sorry Flowey." said the human. "Huh...?!" "Toriel-no. Mom- had asked me to not go back to the RUINS. And even though she probably would enjoy me visiting, I plan to stick with what my mom told me. After all, people say 'respect your elders', but even if YOU heard that Flowey, you just probably wouldn't care."  

  Flowey had looked defeated. He just sat there with both disappointment and disgust on his face. "...Yeah. you're right human. I WOULDN'T care. And part of that reason is because I can't care, REMEMBER? Anyway, you've played through this game before on pacifist, so you know what you have to do at the end don't you? Hehehehe. And you thought Froggit's attacks were hard to dodge. Well, you'll find out what hard is soon enough.  

  "The monsters from here on out, are just way more powerful than the puny ones here. INCLUDING Toriel. Speaking of her, what's the matter CRYBABY? Did you end up killing her in the end? Is that why you cried? Or is it more along the lines of you just regretted leaving her?" "Hmm, I'd say more of the second. You know this Flowey. I'm doing pacifist. I'm not gonna sit here and give you the bloodbath you want."  

  "You may have won for now, but as I'm sure you remember, there are many tough choices ahead of you. It's up to you to decide those choices, and you might end up regretting those choices more than you regretted leaving her. And with that, I have nothing more to say. Go ahead, but just know this: I 'LL BE WATCHING YOU, HUMAN." Flowey did a VERY disturbing laugh before popping back into the ground.  

Wisdom. Book 1 (Warning! Contains spoilers of Undertale! kinda...)Where stories live. Discover now