CHAPTER 1(Part 2)

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"!!!!!!! Oh. My. Biscuit. (Did- Did I just basically KILL that Froggit!?!?!?! Well then. That proves it. I HAVE to be careful! If I can cause THAT from barely letting people know about this, then I really need to watch my step. I need a reminder or something.)"

The human wished there was something they could do about it, but it was already too late. And they knew it, so they moved on, feeling guilty. They went into the north room, and saw a pedestal with some candy on it. "It says 'take one'. Take a piece of candy?" "meh, why not?" "you took a piece of candy. Open the menu to use it, and other items."

 "Nice! I know I can take more, but I don't need anymore... (well, I would take more, and I WOULD give it to the Froggit that WAS outside here, but I ended up pretty much either KILLING them, or entirely ERASING them from existence. I really need to watch that... wait I know! I can use the monster candy as a reminder! Whenever I go into my items, I can see the monster candy, and know! But, at the same time, it'll remind me of the Friend I killed... You know what, if it'll stop me from doing THAT again, I'll do it.)

The human left the room since there wasn't anything else for them to do, and went back into the room where the Froggit was ERASED from the timeline. The human looked at where the Froggit once was, and sighed a sigh of disappointment. They went over to the SAVE point, and used the DETERMINATION from the nearby area as they had done before. " Thinking about what lies ahead fills you with WISDOM." The Human saved the Game. As soon as they did, they realized something. But it wasn't that the world around them had glitched again.

"DANG IT!!!! Okay, okay. Would it have been worth it, to NOT SAVE, and go all the way to the start of the ruins to go through it again so the Froggit could still be alive, or SAVE, and just progress... I sadly guess it would have been better just move on, since i already SAVED."

The human went into the south room, and just then, they were called on their phone. "Hello?" "Oh, Hi Mom! How are you?" "Oh, I'm doing fine, thank you for asking. I just wanted to ask, for no reason in particular... which do you prefer: butterscotch or cinnamon?" "(Heh, I was wondering when she was going to ask that.) I guess my preference would be butterscotch." "Oh, alright. Thank you for being patient by the way." Toriel hung up the phone. 

"Okay, she's gonna call me later, so better move on. I'm just really eager to see what Sans, Papyrus, and everyone else is going to say." After many more trials, and such, the human found themselves at a point near the end of RUINS. They had the choice to go north or east. They decided to go east and found themselves at a spider bake sale. The sign read: "Spider bake sale. Come eat food made by spiders, for spiders, OF SPIDERS."

"(... That sign is even more creepy when YOU'RE the one who has to read it. Meh, I suppose it won't hurt to help them." The human went to the smaller web; there were two webs, a small one, and a larger one. When they went to the smaller one, and spider crawled onto the web and somehow said to the human: "Hello there! Would you like to purchase a Spider donut, now just 7 G?" The human had managed to save up 30 G. "Sure!" said the Human. The Human laid the G in the web and the spider went to go get the Spider Donut. 

Three seconds later, the Spider came back with a Spider Donut. "Thank you for contributing to our cause." "You're welcome," said the Human. "Have a nice day now." The Human went back into the previous room, and went north this time. There was a large tree in the middle of the room. The human took two steps and Toriel came from farther in the room.

"Oh dear, that took longer than I thought it would." Toriel took out her phone, and started to call the Human, but just then, she saw them standing there. "Uh, Hi mom." "How did you get here my Child? Are you hurt?" "No, I'm fine. Thank you for asking." "Well, I am glad to hear that... I am sorry. It was irresponsible to try to surprise you like this-!" Toriel had realized what she said, a little bit too late. "Ah well. I suppose it cannot be helped. Come my Child. I wish to show you something." 

"Okay." The human followed Toriel to the end of the room, where there was a house, and a SAVE point. The Human went to the SAVE. "Seeing such a neat, tidy house at the end of the RUINS fills you with WISDOM." The human SAVED the game again, and the world glitched, again, but this time there were two different things when they SAVED: 1. The glitch was worse. And 2. The Human finally noticed.

"(Um. Why did the world glitch? Wait. has it been doing that EVERY time I've SAVED? Was that the noise I heard the first time? Okay. I need to think about this logically. Why did the world glitch when I SAVED?)

"(Hmm... Maybe... Could it be...?! ...Fine. I'll stop being so cryptic to myself. The only reason I can think of why the world glitched is because I wasn't using MY DETERMINATION! It makes sense... The SAVES are only here because Frisk's DETERMINATION is still strong enough to last in these places even after they left... And I'm not actually using any DETERMINATION that belongs to me... if the game can recognize THAT, this game really is amazing. Hmm.... I think I need to SAVE only if absolutely needed... The world might be completely destroyed if I'm not careful...)"

Wisdom. Book 1 (Warning! Contains spoilers of Undertale! kinda...)Where stories live. Discover now