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“No” I yelled; trying to stop him from pulling my away. I tugged myself back in attempted to get away. His grip tightened around me and he forced me still. “Stay quiet or you’ll be dead” He whispered in a harsh tone. His lips grazed my ear and sent me shivers. I wriggled trying to get out of his grip but it was no use.

Lucas darted towards us but came to a sudden stop when my kidnapper moved  his finger ready to pull the trigger. I could see tears gathering in Bridgets eyes as she stood still. I myself was fighting back the tears that were trying to escape.

I looked up at my kidnapper, “If you’re going to kidnap somebody atleast kidnap someone pretty!” I argued. His face was blank as he pulled me away towards a big white car; It was a nice car to be honest.

“Stacey! I’ll find you!” I turned my head to look back at Lucas and Bridget. This could be the last time I see my friends.

I was harshly pushed into the car and the door was locked immediately. The kidnapper jogged to the other side and jumped into the car. I looked at the gun that was still pointed at me then turned to look at my friends for the last time. I stared at them as the engine started up. A single tear rolled down my cheek. This could be the last time I see my friends. I re-called past memories of the things I’ve done with them in my life. A sad smile on my face as I dropped my head down staring at my lap.

-          - - - -

“What do you want from me?” I finally broke the silence. The kidnapper huffed and mumbled, “Nothing.” A simple answer that meant absolutely nothing to me. “Then were are you taking me?!” I yelled, I could feel my blood boil and my anger rising.

He sighed, “Away.” He tightened his grip on the wheel and sped up. The rage was growing inside me. “You cant just kidnap me and give me blunt, useless, meaningless answers! Why me?! Why did you kidnap me?”

I watched as his jaw tightened and he took in a deep breath before saying, “Look, I don’t want to kidnap you… But this is my job. Now be quiet.” He kept his eye on the road. Just as I was about to protest again I thought of a brilliant idea. A grin spread across my head but then I remembered it could give me away.

“Fine… Guess I’ll just have to give up” I slouched back in my seat. A look of relieve flashed across his face after he heard what I just said and he loosened up a little.

Then I lunged towards him and grabbed the gun. “Aha!” I smirked pointing the gun at him, ready to pull the trigger. “Unlock the fucking car, let me go and we can pretend you never kidnapped me. Got it?” I ordered. I felt powerful and free.

He looked shocked and I gave him my best evil laugh. I watched his facial expression change from shock to amusement. He chuckled shaking his head.

“What? Why’re you laughing? Let me go or I swear I’ll shoot you…” He began to laugh harder and I pointed the gun directly at him, “I have the gun now. Let me go Mr Kidnapper!”

He was still laughing so I finally had the courage to free myself. I pulled the trigger.

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