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Ropes were tightly wrapped around my small body. I wriggled, trying to loosen them up. “Hey, Mickey mind giving me a hand?” I smirked and nodded down towards the ropes tied around me. “Yeah a hand round your little fragile face!” He hissed. He spat in my direction and it landed beside my feet.

“Now now Mickey that wasn’t very pleasant, was it?” I clicked my tongue and raised an eyebrow at him, “But seriously c’mon loosen up the ropes mate” I said casually. This guy really seemed scary but his voice ruined the whole ‘scary’ effect.

He strode 2 steps forward, “Now girlie.Wheres your mother?” He asked as he walked in a circle around me. I thought for a while why did he want my mum? He’s up to something. I shrugged, “Dunno… Just chillin’ around” I fakes a small laugh then added, “How’d you expect me to know when im sitting here in front of Mickey Mouse!” I grinned.

“Where is she?” He tooked a daring step closer to me his breath attacking my nose. “Pee-Yoo!” I scrunched my nose up. “Whats the problem?” He looked at me suspiciously. “Well other than the face im tied here… You need to sort out your breath” I muttered quietly.

“What was that?” I sighed, “I said: Your break reaks! Get some mints-You seriously need to sort it out” I shrugged and looked over at one of the guards who was trying to hold his laughter. He ended up snorting as he tried to keep it in. “Don’t worry about Mickey, Be happy!” I called out to him.

“Silence!” Mickey roared. “Now. Where is your darling mother?” He growled, He grabbed my head tilting my head back. “Look, Whatever reason you want her for, im sure she has better things to do… She’s way to busy exploring the world. Listen, Im sorry if this hurts but hey lets face the truth… She hasn’t got time for dicks like you” I was nodding my head slowly as I spoke. He kept eye contact with me. I didn’t even notice him raise his hand to slap me hard across my face. I could feel the heat rushing to my cheeks.

My eyes began to water as I bit back the tears, “Let me go” I whimpered. “Please” I begged. I just wanted to get back home! I wanted to see Bridget and Lucas again- They probably think I’m dead now. I shook my head and began to cry. My tears rushed down my cheeks and I could feel my nose getting runny. “I want to go home!” I wailed. The guards looked shocked from my sudden break down. I seemed so much braver before.

“Untie her.” Mickey ordered as he left the room. The guards stepped towards me, untying the knots. I shut my eyes tightly as more tears gathered in my eyes. I gulped and looked up at the guards. They both looked uncomfortable and slightly concerned. I cried harder thinking about my friends.

One guard left and Mr Kidnapper stood infront of me. The door was shut. He knelt down placing his hands on my knees. I slapped his hands, “Don’t touch me!” I shouted as I cried. “Don’t even come near me!” His eyes were filled with pain but I knew he didn’t care. He stepped towards me, “calm down” He said as he held onto my upper arms gently. I turned my head away from him, wiping away my tears and sniffing. “Calm down? Do you know what its like to be kidnapped and taken away from your friends? Your home? Your family? No you don’t! My friends think im dead!” I snapped. Hurt flashed across his face.

“I do” He whispered. I shook my head, “Don’t fucking lie to me. You kidnapped me- If you knew how It feels you wouldn’t of done that. And Cadan-Kidnapping a child? You sure don’t know what its like! You don’t care about anyone you heartless prick!” My voice was getting louder as I spoke. I pushed him hard and turned away from him.

“Look… I have to!” His voice was heavy and I could hear anger in every word he spat at me.


Authors note;

Does he know what its like? What do you think?

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