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After eating and talking to one another we left the crowded Snack Shack. Lucas held my hand in his warm, larger hand. A small smile made its way on my face as we walked together, soaking in the peaceful silence.

“So, What do you think made her take off like that?” I asked, referring to Bridget’s random outburst earlier on in the day. Lucas remained silent for a minute or so before sighing and shaking his head.

I bit my lip, squinting my eyes slightly. He knew something. I could just tell by the look on his face that he knew something that I didn’t. Curiosity grew inside me and I was itching to find out what was going on.

As we reached my house I curiously watched Lucas fiddle with his hands as I unlocked the door.

“Stacey I-” He creased his eyebrows for a while, “I gotta go… Im sorry” with that he turned on his heel ready to leave.

“Right whats up” I snapped as I held onto his hand. Anger and annoyance was rapidly growing within me and I was beginning to get pissed off with everyone.

“I just… Look I gotta go check up on Bridget”

I could feel my face twitching between anger, annoyance and confusion. I released his hand and he began speed-walking away; No apology and no looking back. I was frozen on the spot. He just ditched me with no explanation for what was going on. He ditched me without even apologizing.

Its okay, Its nothing to stress over. He still loves you; I thought.

Get a grip, Its not like your even important to him. He can have whoever he wants, why would you think he even cares for you. Gheez. Who’d you think you are to stop him from seeing his bestfriend; my subconscious was screaming at me.

But I was his bestfriend. He had met me before Bridget. I should come first. He should stick to his work and sleep over as he said he would.

I made my way upstairs, my eyelids felt heavy and I could feel the headache forming. I rubbed my temple and let out a strangled sigh.

“Hello” I said cheerfully as I stood infront of the ginger-haired girl. I’ve never seen her around school before. “Your new aren’t you?” I asked.

She shuffled in her spot, “Hi, yeah I am” she whispered shyly.

I smiled at her and she forced a small smile back. “Im Stacey. You can hang around with me if you want…” I offered.

She nodded her head nervously, “Im Bridget”

I grinned, “Nice”, I hooked my arm with hers and dragged her to the canteen. She looked up at me with a slight frown as I stood on my tip-toes, scanning the room for a certain person.

“Aha!” I grinned as I began lightly tugging her towards a table. “Lucas!” I greeted him with a hug.

“Hi, Stacey. I saved us a table” he said with a grin.

I nodded and pulled Bridget to sit with me, “Lucas, This is Bridget. Bridget that’s Lucas” I pointed my hands between the two as I introduced them to eachother.

“Hi” He nodded at her politely as she returned an awkward wave.

“Want to come over to mine today? We could hang out, It will be fun I promise” I smiled at the nervous girl beside me.

“Um… Are you sure, I mean what about your parents, wont they mind?” She questioned. Lucas and I both shared quick glances at eachother before I shook my head with a smile,

“No, They wont mind. Besides they’re away on vacation” I said as I took a deep bite out of my green, sour apple.

She hesitated for a moment before finally nodded her head, “Sure” she smiled.

A sad smile took over my face as I remembered how much fun we had later on that day. Ever since then the 3 of us stuck together, No body could split us up. It was just Stacey, Bridget & Lucas.

I decided to dial Bridget’s number and check up on her. Besides she was still my bestfriend afterall.

“Hey Stacey” She said. I soaked in her voice, She sounded her normal happy self.

“Hey. I thought I’d check up on you and make sure your okay” I said honestly.

“Aww Thank you” She cooed, “Im fine, don’t worry. Sorry for snapping at you earlier”

I smiled to myself. “No, its fine. Just remember you’ve got me to back you up” I relplied.

“That’s my Stacey” She laughed.

Then there was a quite crashing sound and muffling, “Shit” I heard Bridget wisper. I guess she was trying to cover the microphone. “Hey stacey. I gotta go now. We could go shopping tomorrow if you want?”

I nodded although she couldn’t see me, “Yeah sure, sounds good. Okay Bye then Bridget”

“Bye, Love you” She replied then I pulled the phone away from my ear and hang up.

 I smiled. Tomorrow should be fun. I loved shopping with Bridget. We could go for hours, dragging a whining Lucas to help us carry our bags. Harsh, I know.


Authors Note;

Its a few days late so im sorry.

But im catching up so its fine!:)

Enjoy♥ (I hope)  ;)

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