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I stepped out of the shower cubicle and squeezed the remaining water out of my hair. The sudden change of temperature made me dash for the towel which was hanging from a peg. I pulled it down and wrapped it tightly around my body.

“Shit” I cursed under my breath as I realised I had no change of clothes; maybe if I was warned I was going to be kidnapped I would have been prepared-Ha.

I stood still; Sucking my bottom lip as I tried to think of what to do. I grabbed another towel & used it to towel-dry my damp hair. I threw the towel on the floor, with my other dirty clothes. I hesitated before opening the door and creeping out.

The click of the door caused Cameron to look up at me, “Aha… I don’t have a change of clothes” I whispered as I jerked my finger towards the bathroom. He raised an eyebrow at me as I tried to awkwardly laugh it off.

He jumped up onto his feet and nodded. He walked into another room however I remained still; unsure of what to do.

He handed me a navy t-shirt and some black chino shorts, “Er… Sorry that’s the closest thing that would fit you I guess?” He rubbed his neck and I could see him blushing faintly. I raised an eyebrow and lifted the shorts with 2 fingers, “Chinos-really?” I smirked and walked into the bathroom to get changed.

After changing I felt refreshed and comfortable. I hopped onto the sofa, stretching out. I extended my arms and legs as far as I could as a yawn escaped my mouth.

“Someones sleepy” Cameron said as he entered the room, he was holding a pot noodle with a fork in. I watched the steam rise from the pot. My jaw dropped and just then I remembered food. I was hungry.

Cameron noticed me staring at the pot noodle. He bent down so he was in level with me, “Here, Eat up baby doll” then he held my hand, wrapping my fingers around the pot. Then he smirked and turned to walk into the room he got my clothes from earlier on; his bedroom I assume.

I froze. My body felt numb after hearing those words. Baby doll? Did he really just call me that? I had no idea why this had an effect on me; I didn’t like him at all… I liked Lucas, right? Yes that’s right, And Lucas was going to find me and rescue me right? My thoughts were questions to me. I shook away these thoughts and began to slowly eat my steaming hot noodles.


After watching some Tv my hair was dry and I was still stretched out on the sofa staring at the screen. “Hey… I gotta take you back now sorry baby doll” Cameron said as he extended his arm to pull me up. That name again. This boy was driving me mad!

I groaned, “Back to that cold cellar? But I like it here” I wined as I got up. He laughed, “I like your company to but hey gotta do my job” I glared at him after he said those last words. I almost forgot his job was kidnapping people. How could I forget that? He kidnapped me afterall. “Want to eat before you go back?” I shook my head and headed towards the door. “Hold on” Cameron suddenly said. “Maybe I could talk to boss about keeping you locked up in my apartment instead?” His idea was good, if only he worded what he said differently.

“Your seriously calling Mickey your boss?” I asked amused. I shook my head, “Yeah whatever” I muttered as I opened the door, “Maybe I can lock you up in my apartment” I mocked in a deep voice. Cameron laughed and walked beside me back to my waiting cold room.

I leant back against the cold wall, I stared at the wall opposite me, “What even is this? Theres nothing except me in here! What am I even meant to do?” I moaned to myself. This was boring. If I wasn’t kidnapped I could still be with my Lucas and bridget But Nooooo.


Authors Note;

So what do you think? 

So Stacey and Lucas aye? What do you thinks going on between them? ;) Shes getting all stressed up haahaha 

And whats up with cameron & the nicknaming? Oooooo

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