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“However I want you to treat her badly. Rotten food and filthy clothes. Understood?” I could faintly hear Mickey’s high pitched voice instructing someone on the other side of the door.

I flattened my ear against the door to listen, “Yes Sir, of course” Camerons voice filled my ears. “Very well, Lets go get the dog then” Mickey said and the door was pushed open. I crawled backwards as they both stared at me after catching me eavesdropping. Cameron grabbed my upper arm harshly pulling me up. I winced and gave him a puzzled look.

He pulled me towards the door. “Oww! Loosen up a bit, Jheez” I moaned as I shook my arm. His grip loosened as soon as we were out of Mickey’s sight. “Off to my apartment” He said smirking at me. I just nodded and pursed my lips.

Cameron stepped inside, I followed and stood aside as he locked the door. He rubbed his hands and turned to face me, “So, What first?” he grinned.

I looked at him quizzically, “What?” I asked. He sighed shaking his head, “I meant what do you want to do first?” He explained in an ‘duh’ tone. I chewed the inside of my cheek as I began to think, “Got any food?” I asked as I rubbed my stomach.

“Food food food” He sang and went to the kitchen. I followed him like a lost dog, eager to dig in to some nice food. “What you wanna eat?” He asked. I looked around and shrugged. “Alright then help yourself” He said as he went to the sofa.

I grinned as I searched the fridge and cupboards. I grabbed some pasta, pouring it in a saucepan. I grabbed the kettle and poured out all of the boiling water over the pasta. I fiddled with the cooker and it finally started working.

After 10 minutes I sived out the water and put my pasta on a plate I found in one of the cupboards. I opened the frige and began searching until I found what I wanted. “Mmm Cheesssseeee” I said with wide eyes. I sprinkled the grated cheddar onto the pasta.

“Hey! Don’t use up all the cheese!” Cameron wined as he came over. “I havnt now shut up” I muttered as I shoved my plate of already hot pasta into the microwave. After I took it out I sat on the sofa with my plate of pasta & melted cheese on my lap. “Ew” Cameron commented. I glared at him, “Whats wrong with you? Pasta and cheese is the best!” I bit my lip, “And its easy too” I added.

I picked a piece of cheesy pasta with my fork and popped it into my mouth. “Mmm” I moaned, “God this is so fucking orgasmic!” I began laughing like a complete loon whilst Cameron watched me with a shocked expression.


We were both sprawled out across the sofa, my legs were curled up on his lap. We were watching The Bridge Of Terabithia. I had never seen it before but Cameron insisted on watching it. My eyes began filling with tears as I forced myself to watch the scene where Jess finds out that his best friend Leslie is dead. It was so sad and it made me even more upset the fact that Jess will never see his best friend again; And I could possibly never see mine either.

I could feel Jess’s pain although his was worse I just couldn’t help the tears that was streaming down my face. “Whoa whats wrong baby doll?” Cameron said as he sat up straight and hugged me. This made my body shake as heavy sobs left my mouth. I dug my wet face in the crook of his neck as he gently rocked me forward and backwards.

After crying on Cameron for 5 minutes straight I finally managed to get a grip. “Sorry” I mumbled as I wiped my face from the tears. I sniffed a little more before settling back into a comfortable position, “Okay im ready… Play it” I said nodding my head towards the TV.

“Are you sure? We can stop and watch something else you know…” I shook my head, “No no its fine lets watch” I wanted to see the end; What would Jess do without Lesley? My eyes were fixed on the TV screen yet I could feel Cameron staring at me. It made me slightly unconfortable so I turned to him, “Stop” I groaned.

“Sure” He answers and he flicked the TV off. “What the fuck? I was watching!” I moaned. His jaw dropped slightly, “But you told me to stop it!” He defended.

I rubbed circled on my temple, “Oh my god. I meant stop staring you bellend”  He blushed but tried to hide it by laughing it off and muttering things such as ‘Silly me’ and ‘oh well’.

I stood up and stretched out. Wow my body felt so dead. I yawned and Cameron got the hint, “You take my bed, I’ll sleep here” I cocked my head to the side, “No” I said as I made my way to his room, “Sleep with me” I ordered. I felt safer with him near me, I don’t know why but I did. He cleared his throat and followed me to his room.

I got into the left side of the bed, pulling the covers over my small body. I felt the bed sink slightly on the right side and my eyes snap shut and I drifted of to a peaceful sleep.


Authors Note;

This took me a while to type as my motherling kept interupting xD But here it is ;)

Its a longer chapter (I think) it definatly felt longer to type so i do hope you guys like it? Hhehehehe

So tell me what you think? Its a bit strange but i just had to have my lovely pasta and cheese included Hehehe Mmmmm.

Okay Byeeeeeee ;) Love you ♥

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