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“What shall we do?” I asked as I chewed the inside of my cheek. It was only afternoon and we had completely no ideas on what to do. Bridget cleared her throat and I directed my attention to her.

“Stacey…” She began. She looked unsure of what to say but I motioned for her to continue. “Well, what do you do here. I mean you basically live alone. What exactly do you do when we aren’t here, don’t you get lonely?” She asked quietly. I shuffled in my seat and locked my gaze on Lucas.

Lucas was the only one who knew how I felt. Nobody else understood me like him; not even Bridget. There was countless of nights where I had cried over the phone to Lucas when I just couldn’t handle life itself. But Lucas managed to set a spark to replace the grief in my life.

I hesitated for a while before sucking in a deep breath, “Well. Its fine I guess. I don’t really do much but who needs parents, right?” I awkwardly tried to laugh it off. I lied, I knew I needed my parents but wishing wasn’t going to bring them back- I would know, I’ve tried.

“Well-“ Bridget was about to say something but Lucas shot her a solid glare, signalling for her to remain quiet. She bit her lip and looked down.

Everyone stayed silent for a few minutes, although to me it felt like forever. Finally I couldn’t stand the silence so I decided to speak up, “Shall we go out or something?” I suggested. They both nodded with small smiles playing on their faces.

I stood up and went to grab my phone and keys. We all raced to the door. As we walked down the path I linked my arms with both Bridget and Lucas. “Wanna stay round tonight? We could watch a movie or whatever” I offered.

“Yeah sure, sounds good” Lucas replied with a smile. I returned a small smile before turning to meet Bridgets eyes.

“I cant” she said. I frowned. I was slightly diapointed that she couldn’t sleep round for whatever reason, but I couldn’t help a huge part of me that was screaming with joy as this meant that I would be will Lucas.

“Why not?” I asked, still frowning. She bit her lip and concern began to grow inside me. “Bridget… is something wrong?” I asked uneasily. She didn’t respond and I nudged her gently, “What is it? Why cant you stay round?” I asked in a gentle tone.

“Uh. I just cant, Okay” she snapped bitterly. Lucas and I exchanged shocked expressions.

I was about to attempt to pry some answers out of her when she came to a sudden halt. She shot me a dealthy glare, “Drop it” she ordered through gritted teeth. Her body was tense and her hands were curled into tight fists.

My eyebrows creased together and I tensed a little from her sudden change of posture. Lucas stepped towards her and rubbed her upper arm soothingly, “Its okay Bridget. We can help” he cooed but Bridget just tore herself away from him.

After taking a few steps backwards she shot us both a cold glare. Her eyes were blank and drowning with tears which she was fighting back. Her teeth were digging into her bottom lip. I had never seen this side of Bridget before, She was usually so happy and cheerful. But this the complete opposite. This was not the Bridget I knew. There was something wrong but I just couldn’t make out what it was.

She turned around and ran down the long road. “Bridget!” I yelled. Just as I was about to run after her there was a harsh tug on my arm. I spun around to fine Lucas holding onto my arm. I looked down, understanding that she needed time to cool down.

“Come on” Lucas whispered as he pulled me down the road towards the Snack Shack. I nodded and followed him. The rest of the walk was silent. I was still thinking about what had just happened. I was worried about Bridget. Shes usually so strong and to see her like that tore me apart. I didn’t expect her to react like that when I offered her to sleep over. She was usually happy to stay round mine. What was wrong?

“What did I do?” I asked myself. I chewed the inside of my cheek, my eyebrows still creased together.

“Nothing” Lucas whispered. He squeezed my hand and I looked up at him confused.

“What?” I asked, unsure why he randomly said ‘nothing’ and why he squeezed my hand.

“You did nothing wrong Stacey. I don’t know what’s wrong with her, but whatever it is I know it wasn’t your fault. Okay?” He said. I sighed with relief and nodded slowly. Lucas shot me a reassuring smile as we cued up inside the Snack Shack to order our snacks. 

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