єíght: α prízєd fαvσr

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OHTAR shuffled through the loose pieces of parchment and scrolls on his desk, looking for one in particular about the recent monetary affairs of the city. It had come to his attention that the city of Minas Tirith had not been properly paying the merchants that came from the port city of Pelargir. He moved over to a shelf filled with wrinkled papers and worn books.

"Aeardis, have you given any thought to marriage?" The question was sudden but clearly planned. Aeardis laughed and picked up the report her father had been looking for off the floor, as well as his reading stone, and placed them back on his desk.

"You are grooming me to take your place as counselor to the steward, papa. Marriage is the least of my concerns." She was two-and-twenty now, past the age where most women marry and with no intention of doing so. She was far too outspoken to be considered a good wife.

Ohtar chuckled and returned to his desk chair, smoothing out the scroll. "Of course." After a moment he looked up from the piece of parchment, the reading stone still held up to his eye, "Not even one of Denethor's sons? Boromir and Faramir are very fond of you."

Aeardis sat her book aside and frowned. She had not entertained thoughts such as those, "Boromir delights chiefly in arms, not in the company of womenfolk," she supposed she was the exception though as she had witnessed many a young maiden offer themselves to the future Steward of Gondor. "Faramir loves his books and strategy more than fair maidens." Aeardis sighed and her father smiled, he was not blind nor ignorant to the way she looked at Denethor's eldest son, nor the way he looked at his daughter. "They are both handsome, kind, and valiant, but are no more than my friends."


He had received a letter from the Elder Council of Tol Eressëa, he was to be summoned for the century meeting amongst the isles of the Valar. The task would be simple, breaking the news to his daughter less so. "I must return to Tol Eressëa for a short while," he had told her whilst Cadarn and several other guards saddled horses and gathered provisions.

Aeardis's expression settled into a deep scowl at the suddenness of it all. She crossed her arms. "Remember what I have taught you, Aeardis." Despite everything she nodded and tried to stop the way her bottom lip quivered.

"Why can't I come with you?" She finally asked the tone of her voice and manner of the question made her sound like a small child again. "I miss the sea, papa."

Ohtar pressed his hand against her cheek. "I know you do, but you must hold my position while I am away." Aeardis nodded, though not without reluctance, and squeezed her eyes shut when her father leaned forward and kissed her forehead. "I love you, nemir."

"And I you, papa. I wish you safe travels." Ohtar smiled and Aeardis knew that everything would be all right. She went as far as the main gate of the city then watched as the small group of riders faded over the horizon.

For the remaining hours of the morning, she sorted through ledgers and letters that had been scattered about her father's office. Some had been checked over, others needed to be completed. Aeardis gathered those that would need her attention first and piled them on the lebethron desk.

Come the afternoon her sadness was nearly forgotten as trumpets sounded over the city and welcomed home soldiers and rangers from a victory near Cair Andros to the North. The streets had been lined with wives and children, sisters and brothers, mothers and fathers awaiting to see their soldier returning. Minas Tirith's great gates creaked and groaned as they were opened. Boromir and Faramir walked next to one another, trailing behind Hirluin, who led the procession through the city gates.

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