thírtч-fívє: thє αftєrmαth

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AEARDIS sat next to Boromir by the bank of one of the numerous streams that cut through the Golden Wood. She had a grim expression, but as of late her expression always seemed grim. In truth, Boromir could not remember the last time he had seen her smile in earnest. "I've sent word to Rohan," she began, "but have received nothing in return." Just over a week had passed, yet Rohan was never so tardy in their responses to matters concerning Gondor. Théodred or Éowyn had always sent swift replies. "Still, we should depart."

With time, his wounds had healed on the surface, though at times Aeardis could still catch a grimace of pain flash across his face while practicing with a bow as he had yet to be able to competently wield a sword again. Boromir adjusted the strap of his shield, still growing accustomed to its weight again since that day on Amon Hen, he nodded, "Yes."


He stood in glittering silver armor in the light of the rising sun beneath a banner displaying the sigil of Gondor, the White Tree. Aeardis was there to bid him farewell, as she always did, though this time there was a knot in her chest and stomach that did not fade. She tried to reassure herself that all would be well, Boromir was a competent warrior, an able commander, he would return to her as he always did. But those thoughts could not console her heart or mind.

"If anything happened to you..." she began, looking away from the proud Steward-Prince of Gondor.

A calloused thumb softly brushed her red-tinged cheek. Her sentence did not need to be finished, Boromir did not wish the consequences to be put in words. It was one of the reasons why he had not wanted to get married or have any relationships with women because he was going to die and they would be alone. It wouldn't be fair, it wouldn't be right. Aeardis deserved a happy life, not the life of a widow.

"Shhh, my sweet sea bride. Do not fret," he said, voice low and gentle, "should anything happen, I will return and you can scold me for not heeding your advice." Aeardis glanced up at him and offered a weak smile. There was a pause. A moment of silence before she stepped toward him and rose up onto her toes, pressing a tender kiss upon his brow.

Aeardis woke with a start from the memory. It seemed that more often than not, her dreams had come to nothing more than days long passed. She dreamt of her father, of her childhood, and of the two brothers she had grown to love.

Boromir remained fast asleep, one of his hands loosely clutching at what had been the deepest and worst of his wounds. She returned to his side and rested her head on his shoulder. Without fully waking, Boromir shifted, so that her head lay on his chest and his arm could wrap around her shoulders.

They both needed the rest, for soon they would leave the protection of the elves and be homeward bound.

Preparations began within the week for their departure. The elves, having grown to know Aeardis as a member of their own kin, provided parting gifts of finely crafted saddles and packs, it was only befitting that they would at least do that much.

While packing, her necklace had slipped from under her tunic when she bent over to arrange the provisions into packs for the journey, she had always kept it tucked away near her heart. Boromir glanced up at her and saw the flash of silver from a gift he had given her what now seemed to be many years ago. "After all this time you still wear it," he mused.

She lifted the tarnished key and looked at it pensively, the blue stone still shone even if the metal did not. "I don't think I've ever taken it off, to be honest." Only on rare occasions had she removed the necklace. Mostly for court events that demanded her presence. Denethor was not fond of his advisor wearing such gifts from his eldest son. Aeardis turned the key between her fingers, "will I ever know what this key unlocks?"

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