тнιrтeen: palanтίr poιѕon

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AEARDIS entered the Great Hall and curtsied, "You required my presence?" The mocking question was directed at Lord Denethor, the other council members turned in her direction as if awaiting an explanation for her tardiness; when in truth she had not been informed of the meeting at all until Ethildr pointed out that the nobles and elders had gathered.

"Yes, there are matters to be discussed," came Denethor's curt response. Aeardis took her place at the table and the meeting progressed. "This brings us to the line of succession. Boromir is my heir, it is known, though I believe it is time that he marries and secures his line," Denethor seemed unable to remove his pointed gaze from Aeardis. Unease welled up in her stomach and suddenly she felt her heart drop. You knew this day would come, she told herself, but that did not make the thought of seeing Boromir married off hurt any less.

Clorben, the eldest member of the council, placed his withering hand atop Aeardis's and she had to wonder if she was that poor at hiding her emotions or if the old man knew. "The White Lady of Rohan is an agreeable match." Aeardis couldn't pinpoint which of the darkly robed elders had spoken. She thought it had been Túrdaer, with his soured expression and white whiskers that twitched every time he spoke. He had been the one to oppose Aeardis taking Ohtar's position as he believed it improper for a woman to hold power. "Aye," the voices chimed in, it was a match that had been spoken of before and with great favor.

"Word has also reached us that there is a great beauty in the city of Dale. A descendant of Lord Girion," Nelion supplemented. Hushed whispers dispersed through the Council of Elders. Aeardis studied the lines of her palm and said nothing, only listened to the bickering of Denethor and the council members and felt her chest begin to ache with a sickening realization. I think I love him, why else would I feel this way?

"What do you think, Aeardis?" It took her a moment to realize that Lord Denethor had spoken to her and now the entire council had turned their gaze upon her.

She measured her next words carefully, unwilling to tell how her heart felt or the innermost thoughts of her mind. "I believe it is unwise to make such decisions on this matter without Lord Boromir present." Boromir would not have the council bickering over his marriage when there were battles to be fought in defense of Gondor. Unable to leave her opinions unvoiced for any longer, she stood and paced around the circular table that had been hewn from the white mountain. "Pelargir has seen an increasing number of Corsairs trying to make their way through the harbor. Lossarnach has sent word of villages being raided by Haradrim once more."

Túrdaer and Nelion followed her movements, frowns settling upon their aged faces. They had come to realize that she was far too studious in her position, just as her father had been. She had no time for frivolous disputes of marriage when a war was being threatened on the land from three different approaches. "Osgiliath is little more than a pile of rubble at this point," Aeardis paused and saw Denethor's gaze darken with malcontent, leering. "Let us defend Gondor's port city and people before focusing on the fallen city."

Clorben stood from his seat, bracing his hands upon the stone table, "I must agree with the young Aeardis, my Lord Denethor. She speaks with wisdom and knowledge beyond her years."


"What is you wished to speak with me about, Faramir?" Aeardis looked up from her letters and books. The young ranger sighed, unsure as of how to word his concerns and questions.

Faramir pinched the bridge of his nose and attempted to push the images of Lossarnach on fire and the way the people screamed far from his mind, "Does he heed your counsel?" It was clear who he meant, his father, as Boromir nearly always took her words to heart and weighed them carefully.

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