ѕíхtєєn: α cαptαín σf thє whítє tσwєr

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BOROMIR leaned against the doorway with a satisfied smile as he watched Aeardis going about her tasks. She was working on rearranging some of the ledgers and organizing her own diaries and books. Aeardis stepped back when she had put the last scroll on its shelf, giving her handiwork a nod of satisfaction. He chuckled to himself. It eased his heart to see her like this.

Some sound or instinct must have warned her she was not alone and she turned to see him watching her. Aeardis gave a little start of surprise. "Boromir!" She exclaimed. "I...I did not see you there." Despite his unexpected arrival, her answering smile seemed heartfelt. She was glad to see him.

"No matter, Aeardis," he replied, his smile broadening. "I enjoy watching you work." She reminded him of a honeybee, or hummingbird, never still for long. Aeardis flushed and returned to her letters and receipts. Boromir found himself content just watching her. Even if there were few words exchanged being in her presence was a gift that he had learned was growing harder and harder to receive in these darkening times.


Aeardis found herself standing in the archway of Boromir's apartments. He was sitting in front of the open windows with his sword laying across his lap, the blade having only just been polished and sharpened. She had been silent, but Boromir knew he was no longer alone. He turned, seeing Aeardis with an armful of linen strips and a jar of some putrid looking salve. "I came on behalf of Eryn," she explained, and he was grateful that it was Aeardis instead of the apprentice healer. "She has made a salve to reduce scarring."

He stood, careful not to move too quickly. "Such a scar should be kept." Aeardis feared he would say that. At one time she had joked that soon there wouldn't be room for new scars, but this had proven her wrong. 

She sighed and set the vial aside. "Then allow me to check the dressings, at least." To that, he did not object. The oblong injury was healing, slowly. Parts of the scab were now falling away, his skin knitting itself back together in a pale, milky shade. There was no sign of infection or excessive irritation. For once, Boromir had followed the healers and her orders quite well.

Silence encompassed them as she unwound the bandages and rewrapped them around his torso. A small knot secured the strips of linen in place, she stepped back, looking over her handiwork. By the end of the night's celebration, it was likely the white fabric would be dotted in blood. He grasped both of her hands before she could wander off, "Stay for the feast," he blurted out in a way that may have been taken as a command to someone other than her. "Oft times you run and hide at these celebrations, but I would ask that you stay this once."

With the way he had asked, it was impossible to say no, she would suffer the feast after the ceremony for him. Just as he often suffered losing round after round of chess to be with her. There was only a handful of hours of light left in the day, and even fewer until the commencement was to start.

"Is it not exciting to witness such history, my lady?" Nimmien asked, running a mother of pearl comb through her lady's deep brown hair. She was speaking in regards to the ceremony that would be underway come the evening in honor of Boromir's promotion to the Captain of the White Tower. "I imagine that he will look very handsome," the young chambermaid said in a hushed voice. Aeardis laughed at her boldness, though she knew the young Nimmien was not the only woman in the city to have eyes for the eldest son of Denethor. "He's a fine man, Boromir."

"A stubborn one," Aeardis supplemented as she looked at her reflection. Delicate silver embroidery lined the neck of her new dress, the deep-blue bodice gave way to a flowing skirt of the same rich material. No adornments crowned her head nor did any jewels except for the delicate necklace that Boromir had given her. It hung on a silver chain, the key-shaped pendant remained nestled between her breasts.

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