Take a moment. Step back. And breathe. Inhale, exhale. I don't know about you, but I am so sick of hearing the phrase, "everything will be okay, just wait,". I don't want to wait for things to get better, whether they are things that I can control or that I can't. It would be so much better to, instead of putting effort into worrying about what won't happen, to make what you want actually happen. I am young, therefore I don't have control over most of the things in my life, and I'll be the first to say, it sucks. And I know that you may be feeling the same way. So hi. How are you? Welcome, to my daily rant session. Many things in your teen and adult life will put you in positions of frustration and sadness. But you can't let feelings of aggression, rejection, or anger control the way you treat people or yourself.
It's killer the way that teenagers are built. "You don't know anything, you're just a kid," they say, then they bounce it back around with, "You're old enough to take care of yourself, we won't be there for you forever,". That's the mentality that they embed into us. Make you think that you aren't strong enough or wise enough to conquer the things you want, but only when they decide that they've had enough does it come down to you having to fend for yourself. Unfortunately, that happens to some children too young. And they're left as a gazelle in a society of lions and hunters. Only with their first education and a misguided hand, can they survive? But you deserve every chance, ever opportunity. So go for it. Don't survive life. Conquer it.
Best Wishes,
Your Gracious Author