Sympathy vs. Empathy. To me, the ultimate debate. Sometimes when we aren't feeling the most positive emotions, we look to other people for comfort. Nothing wrong with that, in fact, it's infinitely healthy. But the thing about seeking consolation from another person that bothers me, is when they say, "I understand.", or "I feel that.", or even, the infamous, "Me too.". How? How could you possibly feel what I'm feeling if you haven't been through what I've been through? No matter how big or small, relevant or irrelevant, real or unreal. Attempted sympathy can be very misguided and misinterpreted. For example, some might take it for pity, and that can be an ultimate stab to a person's pride and make them feel even worse. Consolation can be such a dangerous game, because you never actually do know everything that a person is going through or everything that is assaulting their thoughts and heart. I commend you for trying to make a person feel better, but if you're not doing it wholeheartedly, you may be causing more harm than help. I just ask you to be careful. Because inflicting more and more emotions can make a person feel suffocated, crowded, in a daze of hurt.
So in some aspect, you could say that I don't believe in sympathy. But I do fully believe in and appreciate empathy. And contrary to some people's knowledge, sympathy and empathy are two very different things. Sympathy is feeling compassion, sorrow, or pity for the hardships that another person encounters, while empathy is putting yourself in the shoes of another and trying to help them in any way you can. Don't feign care or interest. If someone matters to you, if you matter to them, you can always find ways to enlighten each other. I don't think I've ever met anyone who didn't want the kind of friend that you could tell absolutely anything to. I only know two people who've actually found that with each other. I'd give anything for a friend like that. Wouldn't you? So, the next time someone looks like they are hanging by less than a thread, reach out. You never know what possibilities may arise. Please, reach out.
Be Willing,
Your Gracious Author