The Darkness

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After hours and hours of searching, Raven was met with zero success in her trip. There were only birds and bugs to be seen in the forest, all of which she could not easily catch without any kind of trap. There were no signs of water, and no fruit at all to be seen.

Not to mentions that those measly markers she had set up, proved useless in keeping her from getting lost. In the forest the light was so dim that it was hard to see much of anything at all, especially something as minimal like a bark marking.

Unfortunately for Raven, this meant that she had gone and gotten herself lost. She was more or less trapped, deep within the heart of the island with Seth, her only other companion out here, one who had proven himself to be most uncaring and untrusthworthy, having no idea about her whereabouts!


About an hour after getting lost Raven concluded that the sun was starting to set, judging by the dimming light through the leaves. Fear creeped into her mind, the thought of potential wild animals coming across her spot causing her to shudder.

Raven sighed. Going off like this by herself had just been plain stupid, hadn't it? Now she going to die for sure! All with Seth thinking he was the smarter of the two. Oh why did that blasted ship have to sink? Had she not suffered enough in her life already? Why couldn't this world just give her a break already!

Eventually the sun sank beneath the sky fully, leaving Raven in dense darkness by herself. She remained against a large tree for protection, trying to ignore the foreign critters crawling around her dress and hair. If only she had found some food! Then maybe she might have the strength to get up and find her way back to Seth in the morning. At this rate however, she would probably only delve deeper into the forest, eventually dying of starvation or thirst.

Raven supposed it could not be helped though. She was so tired and hungry, weary from lack of sleep, and hopeless beyond compare. She simply had no more strength to fight this pointless battle...

After a while she laid back and closed her eyes, trying to get a bit of rest if at all possible. But since life itself was against her, a very cold rain started up around midnight and continued on for hours unhindered, pummeling her weakened body all throughout the night. She remained huddled in her spot miserably, a deep chill setting in her bones from the temperature drop. She honestly wished for all the misery of this life to simply stop. For her life to perhaps be peacefully taken from her in one's sleep! For anything at all to ease her current suffering...


Just then, Raven shot up from her seat. She thought she might have heard something coming from nearby.


Could it be...Seth? No, he wouldn't be out looking for her at this hour!

Would he?

Raven knew it was a long shot but it was worth hoping for! So she stood up, and with all her strength forced her legs to carry her through the rain and trees.

"SETH!" She screamed, racing off to where she thought the shouts had come from.

Was he looking for her? Or perhaps in danger and calling for his own help? Or even still, was it just the forest playing tricks on her ears? Either way she didn't care, as long as she found something. Anything!


"SETH!" She cried louder, running through the trees and mud with all her will.

"RAVEN!" His yell came.

Her heart skipped a beat. IT REALLY WAS HIM!

"SEEEEETH!" She screamed with tears.


But then she saw it, the very faint glow of a torch, moving through the trees just a few yards away. She raced through to the clearing with hope, ramming her whole body into the man standing on the other side.

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