Chapter Fourteen

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That night---with the greatly appreciated assistance from Josh and Sky, who practically carried me out to Ginger's car---Ginger and I went to the hospital

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That night---with the greatly appreciated assistance from Josh and Sky, who practically carried me out to Ginger's car---Ginger and I went to the hospital. Where I was then, after a brief examintion, sent off in a wheelchair (since I wasn't unable to walk anywhere) to the x-ray room---conveniently located on the fifth floor.

Once that painful process concluded, I was wheeled back down to the doctor's office, where I received the dreaded news that I'd broken my foot.

Ever since then, I'd been ordered to rest, preferably in my bed, until my crutches arrive. Which, as you can imagine, was a living nightmare. Especially with a cast the size of Mexico attached to your foot.

I'd been graciously granted time off work---which would've been exciting if it was substituted by a vacation or another form of activity. But, no, it wasn't.

So for three days, all I did was lie in bed, with boredom gradually overruling my sanity.

That is, until one afternoon, as I was reading The Great Gatsby on my phone, I heard a shrill ding! It was my cellphone, notifying me that I'd just received a text message.

With an abundance of curiosity and eagerness I hastily tapped onto the message. It read:

Josh: Hey, this is Joshua Burrage - from the trampoline park. Just wanted to make sure you were okay 😊
p.s Ginger gave me your phone number

My eyes instantly lit up with excitement as I anxiously read the text, a giddy feeling bubbling in my chest.

I felt both grateful and annoyed at Ginger. Grateful, obviously, because she gave away my phone number to Joshua Burrage; but annoyed because now, most definitely, I would expose my awkwardness while trying exceedingly hard to maintain a relaxed composure. Thank goodness emotions couldn't be transmitted virtually.

However, after reading the message, came the apprehensive predicament: replying.

To any ordinary person, no matter their previous relationship with me, I would've said Thanks, or something more embellished. But this was not an ordinary someone else; this was--- and not for the last time will I say---Joshua Burrage.

I bit the nail of my index finger, trying to conjure up a witty or intriguing reply---other than Thanks.

After all, this was a once in a lifetime opportunity.

I racked my brain for the past replies I'd heard, and did all but search "fun ways to say thanks" on Google. And I definitely was not that desperate...yet.

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