Chapter Thirty-nine

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The entire ride to the hotel was spent eating and laughing as we swapped stories of the last twenty-four hours over slightly stale McDonalds.  The second Ben and I mentioned having not eaten since lunch, Josh whipped his Sudan into the nearest Mcdonald's drive-thru and showered us with breakfast biscuits. 

Josh and Ginger's love story began last night.  They kept each other the entire night, surviving off anxiety and coffee while asking each other questions which inevitably lead to a heart-to-heart confession of mutual feelings.  It was hilarious, to say the least, hearing them interrupt each other as they told their story in their topsy-turvy way. 

Ben and I were less animated with our story, but Ginger had a million questions to interrogate us with so we both did an ample amount of talking. 

It was after nine when we pulled into the hotel parking garage.  Josh wasn't joking when he'd said the storm had wrecked the city: fallen trees blocked parts of the road and we passed multiple car accidents which postponed our arrival even far longer.  But it felt like no time had passed with all the exciting stories shared and delicious food devoured.

"We're here!" Josh sang,  removing the keys from the ignition. 

"Finally," Ben sighed.  "I can't wait to wear to put on some dry clothes."

"You're lucky," I said enviously, staring at my pink legs which were still shivering despite the heat from the car.  "I have to wait until I go home to change out of this stupid dress.  Which is entirely your fault, but the way," I added to Ginger light-heartedly.

"You're right.  It's my fault you look drop-dead gorgeous.  And it worked apparently because here you are with a boyfriend," she countered with a smile.

"The dress had nothing to do with that," Ben commented.

I pursued my lips and playfully hit him in the chest. 

"Are we going to sit in the car until the next blizzard or are we going to go inside?" Josh interrupted, his door half open.

"You don't have to tell me twice!" I exclaimed, moving my hand towards my door handle.

"Don't worry," Ben said, "I've got your door."

My eyes softened at his chivalrous gesture.  "Awe, thank you," I said as he walked all the way around the car just to open my door. 

Ginger turned around in the passenger's seat and mouthed, "How cute," and pressed a hand to her chest.

Ben opened my door before I could answer and bowed deeply (which looked more like a plie) as he said, "Entrer, mademoiselle."

"I didn't know you knew French," I said in disbelief as I stepped out of the car.

"He doesn't," Josh cut in, walking around to open Ginger's door.

"I know more than you," replied Ben with a wink.

"Big flex."

Ben extended his hand to me as I gradually shifted my legs onto the cement.  I graciously took his hand and he helped me to my feet, placing a steadying hand on my back which sent a shiver up my spine.

"You don't have to stay in your dress, you know.  You can change into some of my clothes," he offered.  "We can do that now that we're dating."

My heart lept.  "Technically, we haven't gone an official date yet, but I'll let it slide," I teased with a smile. 

Ben leaned down and kissed my smile, another giddy rush igniting in my chest and sailing through my veins.  He kept his hand on my back as we walked into the hotel and up the elevator.  When we arrived in front of the room, Josh swiped his card and practically threw open the door to a bunch of nervous people congregated in the kitchen.  Shouts of relief erupted as we stepped into the hotel room.

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