Chapter Twenty-three

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Darcy's intended compliment burned in my mind as Ben and I exited Deuvaxe

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Darcy's intended compliment burned in my mind as Ben and I exited Deuvaxe. What seemed to completely go over Ben's head stayed in mine, the words turning over and over. The question still remained:

Did Ben and I make a cute couple?

Even if we did, it proved nothing of Ben's feeling for me. I suppressed as smile as we approached his vehicle. However, before stepping off the sidewalk to reach the driver's side, Ben paused.

A faint chime sounded from inside his Jeans pocket. He retrieved the item and hastily examined the notification.

Just as swiftly as he had produced his phone, Ben slipped it back into its rightful place.

He resumed his pace, apparently finding the announcement unimportant.

I maneuvered myself into the compact automobile and tossed my crutches in the backseat. I sighed with content, my stomach finally satisfied.

Ben, with his hands grasped around the steering while, craned his neck in my direction. His eyes flickered across my face, sending that uncontrollable fangirl-ish feeling coursing through me.

"I know it's getting kind of late," he began, "but I was wondering if you were...interested in going to Boston Common?" (It was a park nearby.)

Extend my "date" with Ben Cook? Heck yes!

However, apprehension trickled over me. What about Ginger? What if something was wrong? Josh would've texted by now---regardless the news.

A bit my lower lip, contemplating my options. It was like a horrible book, when the protagonist is torn between family or romance. Which do they chose? Which means more to them?

"What about Josh? You said you'd bring him something to eat." I glanced down at my bulky cast, unable to maintain constant eye contact with Ben. The intensity of his eyes almost intimidated me.

Ben jerked his head forward, his eyelids widening, as if my words triggered something. And, according to his following statement, they did.

"I totally forgot about him!" he gasped, a faint embarrasment shading his complexion. He pressed his palm to his forehead and closed his eyes.

I fought to mask another smile.

"Maybe there's some pick-up or fast food somewhere?" I offered, amused by Ben's forgetfulness. I don't know why, but it did.

Pressing a circular button beside the steering wheel, keys embedded in their proper place, the engine roared to life.

Cautiously, Ben manuvered his car out of the tight parking and sped off down the road.

"Why don't we go to the park first and then pick up something for Josh?" Ben asked, his eyes flickering to the electronic time projected on the dashboard.

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