Chapter Twenty

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Suddenly, my attention was diverted to the buzzing of Josh's cellphone

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Suddenly, my attention was diverted to the buzzing of Josh's cellphone. For a second I thought it was mine, but quickly remembered that it had lost its battery.

Josh unlocked his device, his face illuminated by the light of his screen. His eyes flickered across it, apparently reading some form of text.

Before I could ask any questions, however, he looks up at me. I almost looked away, feeling suddenly embarrassed that I'd watched him so intently, but don't.

"It's Ben," he said, almost apologetically.

I furrowed my brow, slightly puzzled by the hint in his tone. "What's the matter?"

For some odd reason, my heart nearly skipped a beat. It was like I was concerned about Ben. But I hardly knew him! We hadn't even engaged in a conversation before. So why did I suddenly feel so anxious?

"Nothing," he replied nonchalantly.

Relief settled in the middle of my chest, and I hoped my face didn't relieve it.

"He's just wondering where I am."

"You didn't tell him?"

Josh shook his head, his eyes glancing down at the screen, his thumbs poised above the keyboard. I could tell he was waiting for an answer. But for what?

" you mind?"

Another wave of confusion crashes over me. "Do I mind if what?"

"If Ben knows that I'm here - with you. I guess the whole ordeal in general."

A few silent seconds passed as I contemplated Josh's question. At first I was pondering why he asked my permission, but then realized that I didn't really want anyone to know about Ginger's accident. But having additional company would've been an improvement.

I shook my head assuredly. "No, I don't."

With a slight nod, Josh's eyes transfixed on his screen, his thumbs hastily typing away.

While he busied himself with Ben, I glanced up at Ginger. She was still lying in the same position, her face somber. It was like she was sleeping. If only she was.

Soon I felt the familiar ache behind my eyes, resting my gaze on something else. I resisted the urge to cry. Not here. Not in front of Josh.

Our argument seemed to have taken place years ago. It didn't feel like it had happened an hour or more ago. But, then again, none of this seemed real.

Josh quietly slipped his phone into his pants pocket, his complexion laced with doubt. However, instead of pointing it out, I simply dismissed it as nothing. Maybe he was still concerned about me? I thought of it nothing of it for awhile after that.

"Thanks again," I muttered, awkwardly staring at my hands. They rested, fingers intertwined, in my lap. "I mean"---I contemplated whether or not I tell him what was on my mind, but hastily decided it was harmless---"you don't really even know Ginger---or me. Yet you're willing to go out of your way, to a hospital of all places, to visit?"

An appreciative smile krept across his lips as his eyes twinkled. Our eyes were locked, staring intently without breaking away once.

"That's what friends do," he said nonchalantly, the smile lingering on his lips.

Was I friends with Joshua Burrage? The Joshua Burrage, who I spent countless hours fangirling over?

No, this had to be a dream. All of it.

The atmosphere between us was quiet, the only sounds being the background ones belonging to the hospital. Beepings, ringings, and muffled voices crossing the hallways.

Somehow, despite the situation, I felt a fleeting moment of happiness. Genuine happiness; which was something I hadn't necessarily felt in a while. Or, at least, it seemed like a while...

× × ×

As the day continued, my once stressful thoughts were distracted as Josh and I kept a lively conversation---covering a variety of different topics. We bonded over theatrical productions and included random, yet comical, tid-bits about ourselves in the process.

At one point in our discussion, Josh and I were talking about our most embarrassing moments on stage. Mine, obviously, weren't during anything professional, whereas Josh's were ten-times as hilarious because they were.

"Okay, okay---so," he began with a chuckle, "when I was around eleven or twelve, one of the first 'legitimate' shows I was in was Into the Woods. I played Jack, of course, and during 'Giants in the Sky,' when I'm explaining to the Baker about the Giant City, I'm supposed to climb this huge, sketchy, tree.

Anyway, as I'm singing, I'm supposed to be jumping from branch to branch when, suddenly, one of them breaks when I'm on it. I go crashing to the floor and land right on top of the Baker. I'm pretty sure I broke his nose, too."

I emitted an unflattering laugh as I imagine miniscule Josh plummeting towards James Cordon---even though he wasn't opposite him. Still, it made a funny illustration.

"I wish someone had recorded that," I said, a little breathless from my laughing fit.

"I'm glad they didn't," he responded gratefully.

Just then, a faint wrap on the door interrupted our conversation. Moments later it opens, revealing the familiar physique of Ben Cook.

  Moments later it opens, revealing the familiar physique of Ben Cook

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