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It's 2am and I find myself filled with thoughts of you.
Why? Idk. But I don't mind. I like it. I like you.
The thought of you. Being mines. Here. Now.
I would say forever but forever isn't promised.
So for this moment in time now I love you every way I possibly can.
You get me. You know me. Hell you are me.
From the weird shit to the deep shit you know it all.
Yet you never use it against me. Never hang it over my head to toy with me like a cat to string.
I can be myself with you. Something I can't be with others.
One being in which there is no mask or cover.
This outlet reinsuring that my insanity is matched by yours.
That we can stay mad together. Stay insane.
Stay loyal. That you'll do whatever for me.
Till death do we meet & laugh in the face of Satan.
A love so deadly, so dangerous, so crazy.
It's beautiful. Like a black rose stained by the blood of both partners.
Such dark beauty. Such coldness of the heart bringing light to each of their worlds.

For Roses Who Were Born In ConcreteWhere stories live. Discover now