The Rose That Stuck Through Concrete

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She's my daredevil. My wild card. My ace.
She brings me to peace with myself at total chaos.
Her presence leaves me speechless.
She's beautiful. Stunning. Amazing. Gorgeous.
All the words I can think of doesn't really amount to shit tho when I think of her.
For what she's put up with I can't make up words to describe her. She tough.
Been wit me through all of my childish shit and seen the man I could become.
Yeah it's been girls inna past to do that but they ain't pushed me like she has.
She gives me enough space to let me learn bout myself but also pushes me to stop fuckin around.
It's really sum special tbh. It's crazy. She really only wants me. And I ain't ever seen that before.
Not saying I ain't seen that from her.
I ain't ever seen that in any other female to only have eyes for me. It's crazy.
And I kno I keep sayin that but shit.. what else can a nigga say? She my foundation.
Ionno what curves are stronger; the ones on her body or the ones that come from her mouth.
She really boost me like can't no other nigga compare to me. But what really seperates her from the rest is she actually show me that she feel that way. She don't say that and then flirt wit the next.
She doesn't boost me up only to talk shit when she mad at me.
And she for damn sure not bout to let the next bitch do it. I can't help but have the biggest respect for her.
And tho it's in my nature to fuck around wit whoever I can't do that wit her. I don't want to do that with her. Cause she special.
That's why I spoil her. She's weird. She's corny. She aggravating. She's sensitive.
But she also strong. She loyal. She solid. She independent. She special.
But most of all, throughout the good and the bad.
Throughout all my fuck ups. No matter how many times I piss ha off ova dumb shit. She mines.
And ion plan on losing her.

For Roses Who Were Born In ConcreteWhere stories live. Discover now