Blood, R'Gret, & Fears

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I wonder what my younger self would say..
If only he could see who I am now.
The King .. The God .. The Demon .. The Spirit.
All those of which the younger version of me so naively ignored .. the approach was evident.
Looking back, I could've done shit differently.
But would I still be as solid as I am now?
If I did better & hurt less people would I still learn what I needed to now??
If I didn't steal would I know how to make an honest dollar still?
Would I know how to handle money still?
If I didn't cheat would I ever truly know what was wrong with it?
If I didn't do music .. would they still love me how they do?
If my inner demons took over & sent me to the psych ward would anyone visit me?
Would I ever learn to love myself?
Everyone says you need to learn how to enjoy your own company ..
But when you speak to the different voices in your head all day you're labeled as crazy.
If we learned about real history instead of learning about white history in school would so much of us still be in poverty? Would we still be sheeple?
We were born onto a land of which the principles that were founded were made of murder, slavery, greed, & lies.
Yet you want me to pledge my allegiance to as flag & a country that was never even made to see me as an equal being?
I could honestly get shot any day now & pass ..
I could die at the hand of one of my brothas.
A police officer may take my life due to his overreactive guilty conscience & would only get a time out for some weeks.
Yet mothers cry in the middle of streets every day.
Sistas break for the loss of their kings.
Yet .. these foreigners .. these .. illegal aliens ..
Came and built an entire country using these exact actions they so fear happening today ..
Funny how your guilty conscience makes you defend yourself from getting hurt by the VERY THING you feel bad about doing right??
But it's okay .. the racists can feel they are the supreme race ...
Cause I'm the words of the late great Nipsey Hussle, "This isn't a race it's a marathon."
The marathon continues until we all reach the end.
And the end is so far to come.
So as we continue to educate ourselves properly ..
As we continue to unlearn & relearn that which is beneficial to us .. as we do all of this ..
The question I keep on my mind is always
"If I leave today what will I leave behind? Destruction .. or Inspiration?"

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