I Lost My Soul On The Porch

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I lost my soul on the porch.
It was about 10 at night.
Now I lie awake.
These demons I'm forced to fight.
Keeping my own sanity & stringing to life.
I'm going through withdrawals cause I lost my soul at 10 at night.
There's no school teachings about this.
I broke her heart yes I admit it.
I wasn't the best boyfriend or lover or friend.
To be honest she kept me from throwing myself off the deep end.
I can't explain how I'm hurt too.
I'm the one that caused this devastation.
But the scars that are now inside will be the reason for hesitation.
Men have feelings too.
Sometimes we go through heartbreak that fucks us up just like women do.
But nobody checks for how the guy feels.
We're forced to bounce back & show that time can heal.
We're forced to never show weakness.
Show that we can find another just fine.
When in reality that girl was my soul.
She was all mine.
I wish I knew how to love her better but she was teaching me.
So I lost my soul on the porch at 10pm.
That girl was everything I had that made me think I could win.

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