The Outcast

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Why am I the outcast??
Out of all my niggas I'm the odd one out.
The one that's not always fuckin on whoever.
The one who gets left out of the plans.
I'm the ugly duckling.
The one who doesn't know how to talk to girls.
The one who ain't out here fuckin bitches.
The one who ain't always got money to drop on doing whatever.
I mean they my bros n shit but.. am I theirs??
I mean.. I'm like the little brother that you only being around cause you have to.
Or cause he coo but you don't really wanna claim him.
Like why am I always the one overlooked?
Why am I always the one who gets curved.
The sloppy seconds.
Never in the limelight unless it's online.
Cause I'm antisocial. Cause I'm not complete.
Too many insecurities to try and haveany confidence.
But I'm worth shit right??
Why is it peopleonly reach out to me when it's convenient to them?
Only wanna kick it or bring me along cause I'm they way of transportation or cause I have something to contribute.
Shit sucks always being left behind watching your closest friends move onto bigger shit.
See my issue has always been that I'm the ugly duckling.
Yeah of course there are people who find me cute. Fine. Sexy. Whatever you wanna call it.
But I'm never the one a girl goes and talks to her homegirls about.
I'm never the one a girl hits up my niggas to be put on with. I'm just not that nigga.
I'm not the one a girl will pick if it's a whole group of us.
I'm not the one they try and put forth.
But these my brothers.. why?
At this point I'm starting to ask myself the same shit.
But I mean we all always there for each other when we need it.
But why am I always the outcast??
Why am I always the odd man out?
The last one picked for kickball..
I would say it hurts but I been hurt so damn much that I don't even feel shit but empty.
Maybe it's cause I'm weird.
I'm crazy. I'm unpredictable. I'm not normal.
I'm awkward. I try to reach out for attention.
I'm the one who sits there regretting my existence. Not them. Naaa never them.
They don't gotta go through they life always being in somebody shadow. They the one tho casts the shadow.
And who's the shadow?? Who's always the one in the back? That's right. It's me.

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