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A/N: These will be just short stories I thought of between the characters! There will be action, angst, and shameless fluff. Just as a warning, my best plots are all towards the back. Those are the angsty ones. Trust me.

Anyways, as I continue with the Skywalker Trilogy and I use one of these, I'll take it down and post it on that story! Oh, and the title means this: Phoenix is the daughter of Zeus, god of lightning and storms. McGarrett is the son of Poseidon, god of oceans. It's a big huge Percy Jackson reference, but don't worry about it! It shouldn't have much to do with that series! :) Anyways, I'll start each one with an explanation of stuff you need to know.

The cover was once again made by Samantha_Hudnall_! She actually made me three, and one of the other one is the first few banners on the side. I love them both so much! She makes them for free, so don't be afraid to ask!

Dedicated to M&M for being an amazing friend. Check her stories out, ya'll!

Okay, this one takes place about two weeks after Phoenix is assigned to Five-0, like Lori was. Just no Lori. c: Enjoy!

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I watched as Phoenix trudged upstairs silently. To be truthful,  she'd been quiet since we left the Navy base. It was an odd occurrence. She was exactly like Danny, so much so that it was scary sometimes. I duly wondered, not for the first time, if they were distantly related. Same blazing electric blue eyes. Same blonde hair. They even talked alike: hands moving crazily, not giving the other person time to speak. Scary for sure.

Also, in a way, she reminded me of Mary. She wasn’t exactly innocent, but some part of me was already saying that she was my little sister. I wanted to protect her, to keep her safe. Maybe it’s the fact she’s the age that Mary was when we were torn apart. Come to think of it, that’s probably exactly why. She was, in a way, a redo. How Mary and my relationship was supposed to be, had our father not split us up.

And because of all of those reasons, she was worrying me. I had seen the flash of fear on her face when they rolled the footage. When she realized that SEALs were cold-blooded killing machines, and that at one point I was doing that. And the way she had been acting around me for the last few hours . . . I didn't want to face the truth, but the facts pointed to her being scared of me.

The thought itself was unsettling. True, I’d only known her for about two weeks, give or take. But in those weeks, she showed that she was strong, both physically and mentally. For fifteen, she was a better cop than a few rookies at HPD. And, even though she obviously wasn’t excited about being here, she was ready to accept it.

I knew the conversation had to happen. I mean, she was moving in with me (I couldn’t let her stay in a hotel the whole time she was here, could I?). Phoenix deserved to know I only protect, and - usually - don’t kill people without reason. That being said, I wasn’t heartless; I only did what I believed was right.

Sighing, I stared at the stairs. I had to talk to her tonight yet, before this got out of hand. But what could I say? That what was on the video wasn't true? That I didn't do that? Both would be lies. I did do that up until about two years ago. I was one of those men on a mission similar to that one. I killed. Without a second thought.

Deciding that I'd go with the flow, I jogged upstairs. I almost went straight in; then, thinking better of it, I knocked.

"Come in, McGarrett." I tried to ignore the slight  tremor of uncertainty in her tone.

I opened the door and gave her a smile, hoping I didn't look threatening in any way. She was laying on top of her covers, reading a battered book. I could tell that she was wary of me the moment I crossed the threshold.

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