Ch 3 - Leave me alone

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“Rae? Raven? Are you in there?” Robin knocked on Raven’s door. Raven went straight to her room, after dinner at the Skylight Cafe. “Please Rae, talk to me.” Robin pled.

Raven listened to Robin she was too embarrassed  to answer him. She heard him walking down the corridor, in frustration. She sighed and sat up. She didn’t like to ignore Robin like this, truly, she hated ignoring him. Raven just couldn’t face him after last night though.

       He came back two hours later with Beast Boy and they started banging on her door. "Azarath Metron Zinthos." she said quietly "Azarath Metron Zin-" As Raven got up her hair had flames around it. Going to open the door she mumbled, "This better not be beast boy." As she opened the door, she first saw Beast boy, the as the door opened a little more she saw half of a familiar mask.

       She knew that it was Robin. As the flames disappeared she saw Robin's face. As Robin took a deep breath, he signaled beast boy to leave. "I'm truly sorry about what I said and hope that you are willing to forgive me." Robin's apologetic voice made Raven very angry she started to yell at him but was interrupted by the stares from the others. Raven  just embarrassed herself again, as she slammed her door she thought about all the trouble she got into with him.

          The latest one she remembered was on her birthday when she was forced to end the world. She remembered the way Robin looked at her. She had felt a familiar warmth took over.

          Outside her door everybody was staring at Robin confused. Robin stared at Raven's door, the one she just slammed. What had gotten into her?

           "FINE! IGNORE ME THEN!" Robin screamed at her through the door. He turned and stormed off. Robin went to his room and flopped on the bed. He felt tears come to his eyes. He missed Raven. He missed her so much, it hurt.

Cyborg looked at Raven’s door and then watched Robin storm off.

“What’s with them?” Cyborg asked.

“I don’t know, dude.” Beast Boy looked serious.

“It seems our friends are in a fight?” Starfire guessed.

"I hope not." Cyborg said with a worried look.

Raven closed her eyes and thought of Robin. ‘Oh, Robin.’ She thought. There was a crash sound, Raven shot straight up.

“Who's there? Beast Boy? Cyborg? Starfire? Robin?” She lowered her voice. There was a laugh, echoing in her room. “Hello?” she called into the darkness of her room. Raven looked at her clock, 4 AM.

“Not even close, Raven.” A familiar voice laughed.

“Slade!” She realised.

“Correct! You are smart, aren’t you?” He said, a smile in his voice.

“What do you want from me?” She spat at him, turning in the darkness.

“Simply, I want to kidnap you. So the Titans will fall into their doom.” Slade’s voice was everywhere.

“Never!” She spat.

“Shame. I’ll just have to TAKE YOU!” Hands clamped around her neck, choking her. A bag covered her head.

“RAVEN!” Robin shot up, sitting up right. Robin had heard Robin scream, and then silence. He got out of bed, running for the door. “Raven! I’m coming!” He shouted. He ran to her room, and knocked the door down.

In Raven’s room, the bed was a mess, broken glass was on the ground. Robin looked up, the window was smashed. He walked in more, and whispered, “Raven?”

Robin bent down and found a small puddle of blood.

“Slade.” He said sharply.

“Friend Robin! Where’s friend Raven?” Starfire flew in, Beast Boy and Cyborg following.

“Slade took her.” Robin stood up.

“What? N-no, thats not possible!” Beast Boy looked at Robin, dumbfounded.

“It is, and he did. I just know it’s Slade.”

“I need to find her.” Robin turned at walked to the window.

Cyborg put his hand on Robin’s shoulder, stopping him.

“We’re coming, we’re a team.” Cyborg said firmly.

“No. It’s my fault. It’s my job to find Raven.” Robin barely looked back, at his team.

“Robin, its to late. Wait ‘til morning.” Beast boy walked up.

“I leave at 6 Am.” Robin said and walked out Raven’s door. “Alone.” He said and left.

Cyborg shook his head. “It’s not his fault.” Cyborg said.

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