Ch. 2 - The Date (TT: Go! S. 1 E. 4 (Remake)

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“Hey, Raven?” Robin called for Raven.

“Yes Robin?” She looked up from her book.

“Uh, I want to ask out Starfire, but I don’t know the right approach. I was wondering, since you're a girl, if you could help me?” Robin asked.

Raven felt something inside her snap, like a twig. She didn’t know what, though. She swallowed the feeling.

“S-sure Robin.” She stammered. Raven didn’t know why she felt the way she did. It’s not like Robin was her’s, he could date Starfire if he wanted...

“Thanks, Rae! You're the best!” Robin said happily, and walked out of the room.

‘Yeah, I guess I am...’ Raven thought and went back to her book. But she couldn’t read after what just happened. ‘Robin’s not mine.’ Raven told herself, ‘He can date who he wants to.’

Raven stood up and went to go find Robin, to help him get ready. She found him in his room, in front of the mirror.

He turned to her as she entered “How do I look?” He asked.

Raven forced herself to look him in the eyes. “Wonderful.” She said with one of her rare small smiles.

“A smile, eh?” He chuckled, and said, “That good?”

After Raven showed Robin how to ask out Starfire and good manners he said, “Thanks Raven. This means a lot to me.” Robin looked into Raven’s eyes.

Raven turned away and tried to hide a blush.

“Well, good luck.” She said, and got up to leave.

“Raven?” Robin called.

Raven turned to look at him. He got up off the bed and walked over the her, looking into her Violet eyes.

“Thanks, again.” He pulled her in a hug.

“Anything for you.” She replied and hugged him back. She let go and walked out of his room and into hers.

Robin walked over to Starfire’s room and knocked.

“Enter!” Star’s muffled voice said from inside.   

Robin entered Starfire’s room, he looked around, there was pink and stuffed animals all over.

“I was wondering, would you like to go to the new restaurant? With me?” He asked.

“I would love to! But unfortunately, Speedy has already asked me.” Starfire frowned.

“Oh, okay.” Robin left and went upstairs to watch tv.

Robin disliked Speedy so much! Now he was going out with Starfire. Robin was so jealous, he would do ANYTHING! Suddenly an idea popped up in his head. He’ll ask Raven to go so it’ll make Starfire jealous!

“No!” Raven said walking into the room. “I will not help you make Star jealous!”

“Awwh, c’mon Rae!” Robin pled. “I’ll do anything!!”

“Fine.” Raven mumbled unhappily.

“Okay! You have to wear this!” Robin held up a dark blue strapless dress.

“Where did you get that?” Raven asked, slightly puzzled.

"I, um, I found it in my closet and I ... nevermind." he said dumbfounded. He started to regret this and he was wondering if this was a mistake.  

“You found it, in your closet?” Raven raised a questioning eyebrow. “Ok nevermind." she said nervously. Honestly, Raven didn’t really care, she was going out with Robin.

Raven grabbed the dress and walked into her room, shutting the door behind her. She put on the dress and managed to find a little white coat to put on. She walked back to the common room to find Robin without his mask and wearing a tux.

“You look, wonderful.” They both said in sync. “Thanks.” They both said.

“Ready, beautiful girl?” Robin held out his hand, smirking.

“Ready when you are.” Raven did one of her rare smiles, taking his hand.

They walked out the tower and to Robin’s motorcycle. Robin got on and helped Raven on.

“Hold on to my waist.” Robin said.

“What?” Raven said, dumbfounded.

“To stay on. So you don’t fall off, and holding onto my shoulders is uncomfortable.” Robin said nervously.

Raven didn’t want to but she forced herself to hold on to his waist, hugging his back. She held back a blush.

 "This is, um, going to be fun.” Raven said shyly.

Robin chuckled nervously. The whole ride, their rode in silence, comfortable silence. When they arrived at the Skylight Cafe, Robin stepped off and helped Raven off.

“Hope this goes well.” Raven said

“Well I hope so ‘cause we are going to have a wonderful night, and nothing will make this bad.” He said trying to act serious. He was holding back a giant grin and instead let out a remorseful sigh. When he saw Starfire he almost fell over. She was wearing a beautiful pinkish purple strapless dress.

“What?” Raven turned to Robin, slightly confused. “You sighed, like you we’re sad.” Raven saw Starfire out of the corner of her eye. “Oh.” She said, a slight hint of jealousness in her tone.

Raven walked past Starfire, dragging the drooling Robin with her. Raven sat at a table next to the window, Robin sitting in the seat in front of her, she could stare into his ocean blue eyes. Raven blushed slightly, but refused to show it.

“Hello Friend Robin and friend Raven.” Star and Speedy walked up to their table.

“Can me and my lady sit?” Speedy smirked at Robin.

“Why not?” Robin glared at Speedy.

Starfire and Speedy pulled up a chair, Star sitting next to Speedy. Raven moved so she could sit next to Robin.

“Raven, you look lovely.” Starfire commented on Raven’s outfit.

“Thanks, you too.” Raven mumbled looking at Robin thinking, ‘Can we leave now?’

Robin shook his head at Raven.

“When did you two start dating?” Speedy smirked at Robin.

Robin almost spit out his water on Raven."No! We're not dating!" He said, looking  at raven. She looked depressed and more than usual. He felt bad. Why?

Raven stood up, "Excuse me a moment." She said as she stood up and went to the bathroom. She could feel tears, raising in her eyes. 'Stop.' She told herself. She looked at herself in the mirror.

She was foolish to think Robin could ever love some, gray, goth girl who couldn't even stop herself from crying.

"Raven?" Robin called from outside the bathroom. "Are you OK?"

"Define OK." Raven called. She walk out of the bathroom to find Robin looking super worried.

"Was it what I said back at the table?" he asked "Because I didn't mean it. You know how Speedy gets on my nerves." He said letting a fake laugh slip by with a worried look.

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