Ch. 4 - Slade

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“Why did you take me?” Raven asked Slade, as he tied her to a chair.

“That’s because Robin loves you. He will be devastated, and the team won’t know what to do without their leader.” Slade said, as if it was obvious.

“You’ve got the wrong one then. Robin loves Starfire. Not me.” Raven looked at the floor.

Slade just laughed, “Not as much as he loves you. You’re gonna be my Slave, Sunshine.” Slade grabbed Raven’s chin and forced her to look up.

“If you think that, your Crazy!” Raven spat in his face.

Slade grabbed a remote from a table and pressed a big red button.

Raven felt a giant shock to through her, hurting her. It felt like a bear was clawing her open.

“Oh...kay...” Raven struggled in the chair.

“Okay, what?” Slade looked into her eyes.

“ your...S-slave!” She managed to say.

The shock stop, and Raven’s heart raced.

“Good girl.” Slade laughed evilly. “Put this on.” Slade threw gray and tan metal suit at her.

Robin slugged around the tower, a depressed look on his face. Day after day, Robin looked for Raven. No sign of her, or Slade. One day the Titan’s got a video message.

“Who’s it from?” Robin ran up to Cyborg.

“Slade.” Cyborg answered. Cyborg pressed a button, Slade appeared on screen.

“Hello, Teen Titans. I would like you to meet my Apprentice.” Slade said “Raven!” He called.

Raven walked on screen, her hair was a black color, and it was long. Her eyes shone with confidence. “Hello, Titans. Remember me?” She smiled evilly.

“I’m very proud of her.” Slade patted her head. “You can try to get her back, but you will fail.” Slade smiled. “Goodbye.”

“Raven! No!” Robin said with tears in his eyes.

Starfire flew up to him and pulled him into a hug. “It is Okay.”

"No it’s not." He said with a depressed voice.

“I bet they're at the library!” Beast boy said.

“Let’s go Titans.” Cyborg said.

The Teen Titans had to pull Robin along with them. Cyborg was right, Slade and Raven were at the Library.

“Oh, Hello. I knew you would come.” Slade said when he saw them.

“Give us friend Raven.” Starfire said, green fire in her eyes.

“Unfortunately, Raven doesn’t want saving.” Slade laughed. “Raven, attack them.”

Raven dropped from the ceiling, landing gracefully on her feet. She had a twisted smile on her face. Long black hair fell past her shoulders. She stood up are walked closer to them.

Robin’s face twisted in pain. Raven was evil now, and she was try to kill her friends. Robin saw a big gash above her forehead, where her bedroom window scratched her, Robin guessed.

Raven jumped and kicked Cyborg in the gut, sending him flying backwards. She made like a swimming action and sent Beast Boy and Starfire flying. Raven walked up Robin, her smile slowly fading.

“” She whispered lowly.

“Tsk Tsk tsk Raven...” Slade’s voice had a smile in it.

Raven looked at Robin, her eyes filled with worry. She screamed in pain and feel to the ground, an electric shock going through her. Robin saw Slade holding a remote. Robin kneeled down and picked up Raven. Robin ran to Slade, kicking the Remote out of his hands. Beast boy transformed into a hawk, flew down and grabbed Robin. Starfire picked up Cyborg, and flew into the air. The Titans quickly flew to Titans tower. Beast Boy dropped off Robin on the top. Robin landed gracefully, with Raven in his arms. Robin held Raven close to him, tears falling from Raven’s eyes, her breathing unsteady.

“Rae, your going to be Ok. Okay?” Robin said shakily.

The other Teen Titans watched from a few feet away, tears in their eyes.

“Okay, Raven? I won’t let you die! You can’t die!” Robin shook Raven lightly. “Raven? W-wake up! Your going to live!”

“I-I’m s-sorry Robin.” Raven stuttered, her breathing slowly stopping.

“Raven! NO! RAVEN!” Robin screamed. “I can’t live without you!”


“Clear!” Cyborg said loudly, giving Raven a small shock.

Raven’s started breathing again, her eyes fluttered open. She saw Robin, holding her. She smiled weakly. “I love you too, Robin. My Boy Wonder.” Raven passed out.

Robin hugged Raven even closer. “You have no clue I’ve been waiting for you to say that.”

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