Ch. 9 - Stay

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Raven grabbed a bunch of leotards and capes, folded them, and set them nicely in the suitcase. She looked around her room, looking at each box, she sighed. Raven wiped a tear away from her eye, a lamp floated into the air and exploded. ‘Dummy.’ She thought to herself. There was a knock at her door, she walked over, hesitantly opening the door.

“Raven! I heard something explode is everything a-” Robin stopped when his eye’s saw the boxes. “Spring cleaning?” Robin hoped with all his heart.

“It’s winter...” Raven pointed out

“Moving rooms?” Robin bite his lip.

“No... Im... Leaving.” Raven choked out, one of the hallway lights exploded.

“Why?” Robin asked, holding back his tears.

“I can’t...It’s just...My powers, and love...don’t, well, mix.” Raven looked at the floor, staring at her blue shoes.

“Oh. Well, can I help?” Robin asked, grabbing Raven’s right hand.

“No!” Raven flinched, taking her hand back and shutting the door.  ‘Idiot.’ she thought to herself. Robin blinked as the door closed. Raven was leaving? The Teen Titans? He walked down the hall, into the common room.

“Hey Rob, what's wrong?” Natalie asked as he entered the room. Robin looked around the room, Echo was watching Beast Boy and Cyborg playing video games, Starfire was cooking her ‘famous’ pudding.

“Raven’s leaving the Teen Titans.” Robin said in a depressed voice.

“WHAT?” All the Titans turned and faced Robin.

“If she thinks she can leave me with these nutjobs...” Echo muttered under her breath.

“Oh, friend Robin! Thats the terrible new!” Starfire flew over to Robin and hugged him. ‘Yes! Friend Robin is mine!’ Starfire thought. Echo got up and walked out of the room.

“Where are you going?” Natalie stopped her sister in the corridor.

“Places.” Echo answered, sharply.

“You mean, to ask Raven if you can go with her?” Natalie asked, betrayal in her voice. “You know, if you weren’t depressed all the time, maybe you would be, I don’t know, fun?” Natalie said, harshly.

“Shut. Up.” Echo clenched her fist, but Nat kept on talking.

“Well go, if you like Raven more than your Sister.” Natalie said, walking away. Echo turned and grabbed Nat’s arm. Echo glared as her sister looked at her in surprize.

“Maybe if you would be serious for once in your life, I wouldn’t want to go with Raven.” Echo let go of her sister’s arm. Natalie rubbed at her arm, looked at her sister, and ran off in the other direction. Echo continued walking, raised her hand to knock, but stopped. ‘Maybe I should stay here? And protect my sister.’ Echo lowered her hand, slightly. She sighed and backed away from the door.

“Raven?” She called. The door opened slightly, sharp Violet eyes staring from behind the room. “I heard you were leaving... I just came to... wish you the best of luck.” Echo lied.

“Thanks.” Raven deadpanned and shut the door. Echo looked at her feet, hesitant of leaving, but she did anyway.

“I couldn’t talk her out of it, I wonder how long she’ll be gone.” Echo lied. Robin looked at her sadly.

“Oh, um, so you don't know how long she will be gone either.” Robin asked, not making eye contact. “I’m gonna go ask her...” Robin said. Echo looked like she had something she wanted to say, but she walked away. Robin knocked on Raven’s door, he felt very uneasy.

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