Ch. 8 - Babysitting

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Raven got off the couch and walked to the front door. When she opened the door she saw, Melvin, Timmy, and Teether.

“What’s wrong? Is it Malla?” Raven said, defensively, scanning around the room.

“No, its not that. The monks are going to remake the academy.” Melvin said.

“So, we has to stay wif you!” Timmy finished. Teether crawled up to Raven, tugging on her cape. Raven sighed, bent down and picked up Teether.

“Come on inside, its cold outside.” Raven shivered  

Melvin and Timmy walked into the tower, Raven closed the door behind her.

“Follow me,” Raven said, shifting Teether into a more comfortable position. Raven walked to the common room, Melvin and Timmy following.

“Where are the other Titans, Waven?” Timmy asked, slipping his hand into Raven’s free hand.

“Natalie and Echo had a family emergency, Cyborg and Beast Boy went to comic Con, Starfire went to her home planet to see her family, and Robin is still here.” Raven said.

“Are these the Triplets i’ve heard so much about?” Robin asked, getting up from the couch. Something in Melvin’s eyes lit up.

“Yes, we are. And you're the Boy Wonder!” Melvin said, excited.

“I prefer Robin, but yes, I am.” Robin said, kneeling down the look at Melvin.

“Well, Boy Blunder, wanna help me make them some food.” Raven deadpanned. Robin glanced up at Raven, he saw Raven cradling Teether. Robin couldn’t help it, he laughed tenderly at this sight.

“What, Boy Blunder?” Raven’s eyebrows raised in questioning.

“Nothing.” Robin said, regaining himself.

Raven put the sleeping Teether on the couch, Melvin and Timmy sitting next to him. Raven turned the Tv onto Spongebob Squarepants. Raven walked over the the kitchen. Robin turned around and handed her a herbal tea.

“Thanks.” Raven said, blowing on her tea to cool it down.

“Go sit down, I’ll cook.” Robin said with a smile.

Raven eyebrows raised, “Do you even know how to cook?” she questioned

“Uh, no. First time for everything though!” Robin winked at Raven.

“Don’t burn the tower down.” Raven deadpanned, turned and walked to the couch. Robin turned and stared at the kitchen. Raven sighed and got up from the couch again, walking into the kitchen. Using her powers she grabbed, eggs, pam, salt, a bowl, a spoon, and a pan. Raven put the pan on the stove, turning it on to 5.0. She cracked the eggs and dropped the them into the bowl, careful not to get any shells in the eggs. Robin grabbed the pam and sprayed the pan.

“Where did you learn to cook?” Robin asked.

“Theres lots of things you don’t know about me.” Raven said.

“Like what?” Robin gave Raven a little push.

“My mother and I, we used to cook.” Raven said, stirring the eggs.

“Oh.” Was all Robin said.

“Oh, what?” Raven asked, putting the eggs in the pan on the stove. “What did I do now?”

“Nothing, I’m just surprised.” Robin said, carefully.

“About what?” Raven turned to face Robin, she frowned and eyebrows raised in question.

“Its just, you never really talk about your family very often...” Robin hesitated.

“Your correct, because theres nothing to you need to know, I was born in Azarath, my dad wants to take over the world, my mom died with Azarath.” She said, simply.

“Oh.” Robin said. Raven sighed and shook her head, she turned and started the stir the eggs, making sure they didn’t get runny. She put the eggs into 5 bowls, and put salt on them.

“Hold these,” Raven said, putting two of the bowls into Robin’s hand. She walked to the couch, giving one to Melvin, one to Teether, and one to Timmy.

She walked back to Robin, taking one of the two bowls he was holding. She sat at the table and motioned for him to sit as well. Robin sat across from her, staring into her unemotionally violet eyes.

“Pardon?” She stopped eat and looked up at Robin.

“I didn’t say anything.” Robin said, now noticing he was staring at Raven.

“But your staring at me like I just grew a horn...” Raven pointed, looking up to make sure she wasn’t growing a horn.

“N-No I wasn’t,” Robin said, hiding a blush. Raven shook her head, giving up and went back to eating her eggs. Robin hesitantly ate the eggs Raven cooked, he took a small bite, he taste buds exploded with happiness, he started stuffing his face with the eggs. Raven looked up, to find Robin’s mouth full of the eggs. Raven raised one eyebrow in question, but then went back to eat.

“Manners, Boy Blunder.” Raven gentle reminded Robin, still stuffing his face. Robin turned a bright red and swallowed the eggs in his mouth.

“Oops...” He muttered, looking at his empty bowl.

“Yeah, oops.” Raven agreed, she handed him her half full bowl. Robin looked up in surprize at her.

“You’re not hungry?” Robin asked.

“I lost my appetite watching you.” She rolled her eyes, getting up from the table to put the sleeping triplets to bed.

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