Chapter 4

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Chapter 4

       "Remind me why we are watching this movie," Kenny said.

       "Because it's a work of art," I said.

       "Not really," Kenny said. "I can name three things off the bat that's wrong with it, and one of it is the script. It's too predictable. I bet you I can guess what the next line will be."

       I snorted. "I doubt it."

       Kenny shrugged and looked back at the TV. "She's going to say 'We are not friends'."

       That was the exact line the main character said, word for words.

       "You've totally seen this movie before," I said.

       "No way," Kenny said. "It's just way too predictable. Can we watch something else?"

       "No," I said. "You let me pick the movie this time."

       "Yeah, but that was before you chose this movie," Kenny said. "Please can we watch something else? My ribs hurt."

        I furrowed my eyebrows and looked at him. "What does that have to do with the movie?"

        "Nothing," Horatio spoke up from his spot on the chair he was sitting on. "Kenny just uses that excuse to guilt people into doing what he wants. I've fallen for it more than once even when I know he's using it as an excuse."

       "Well, it's not working on me," I said. "I mean, Kenny can pick a new movie, but it's totally not because he's making me feel guilty. Totally not that at all."

       "So, I can pick a new movie?" Kenny asked.

       "Only because I love you," I said, and Kenny smiled at me before I gave him a quick kiss.

       "Uh, no kissing in the house, please," Indigo said. She was sitting on the chair opposite from the one Horatio was in, looking at something on her phone.

       "Mom, come on, you never tell me and Ariella not to kiss whenever she comes over," Horatio said.

       "That's because I haven't seen it," Indigo said.

       "Uh, yeah, you have," Horatio said. "You even commented on how cute we were and once you got mad because I didn't kiss her goodbye."

       "Horatio, it's fine," Kenny said. "If Mom doesn't want me and Calvin to kiss, then we won't kiss."

       "Thank you, Kenny," Indigo said. "I actually have to quickly run to the grocery store. Your grandfather, Destiny, and Dan are coming over for dinner, so I want to pick something up from dessert."

       Once she left the house, Horatio looked at Kenny. "You do know that Mom doesn't want you two to kiss because you're gay, right?" he asked.

       "I know," Kenny said. "I was serious, though. If she doesn't want us to kiss with her around, then we won't. She and Dad still need time to accept it, so I'm going to give them time. They're slowly getting there."

       "Yeah, I guess," Horatio said.

       "It's fine," Kenny said. "Really. I don't mind."

       "I mind," I said.

       "No, you don't," Kenny said.

       "You can't tell me what I mind."

       "I can when you're staying in my house, which my parents own."

       "....Fair play."

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