Chapter 28

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Chapter 28

       Cassidy's funeral was by far the second saddest one I had ever been too, and I've only known her for an hour or so. I didn't want to compare funerals at all, and I had been too many because of my brother, but....There was just something different about Cassidy's.

       Well, for one thing, she was the true love of Josh. They both told me, that night, that the other was the one for them. They both saw a future with each other, but it was ripped away from them.

       To make things worse, Josh completely shut down. He had to be off of work for a while, and his boss completely understood why. Not only did Josh lose the love of his life, but he was on shift when Cassidy was brought in. He was a doctor, and he tried working but all he could think about was Cassidy coming through the doors on a stretcher.

       Everyone who was at the party was being questioned, because Cassidy really was drugged and whoever drugged her drink used way too much and caused her to overdose. Horatio wasn't able to see anything when he was at the party, so he ended up calling the police on shift to break up the party before things got a lot worse.

       A lot of people were mad at Horatio, but he told them to screw off and be mad at the person who killed Cassidy instead. That got them to shut up.

       Because of Josh shutting down, his family realized he would need help getting through losing Cassidy, so they decided to move down to Spruceworth. That, and Josh's brothers ended up being expelled from their school so they needed a new school to go to.

       They were only twelve.

       Don't ask me how, because I have no idea.

       And now, I had to babysit them so their parents could talk things out with Josh and see how he was doing. That explained part of why they got expelled; they still had to be babysat when they were twelve years old.

       And to make things even worse, it was also the day I was babysitting both Ace and Anastasia while Destiny and Dan took some time to themselves. I was only going to watch Ace, but I offered to watch Anastasia as well so they could at least have time alone, and possibly plan their wedding.

       I wished Kenny was here to help, but he was currently in school and he wouldn't get out for another hour.

       I felt like I was being tortured right now.

       I turned my back away from the three others just to change Ace's diaper, and when I was finished they all disappeared.


       It was easy to find Anastasia, because she was laughing and since she was one, she wasn't the best at hiding.

       The twins on the other hand? I couldn't find them.

       "Julian! Noah!" I called. "Come on, this isn't funny! I can't come looking for the two of you when I have a one year old and a two month old!"

       Still no reply from them whatsoever. I felt like giving up as a babysitter.

       The front door opened, and I looked over to see Titan and Indigo walk into the house, which made me sigh. I forgot it was the day Indigo was coming home from the hospital, and now I felt bad because the living room and the kitchen was a complete disaster.

       "I am so sorry about the mess," I said. "I'm babysitting devil children."

       "How much mess can a one year old make?" Titan asked. "Is that bologna on the ceiling?"

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