Part 1: Chapter 5

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Poppy spent one more night, but Branch strictly said no cuddling. The next day they finely got to the castle. Poppy let go of Branch's hand and went inside the gates. Tears rose in his eyes as she walked away. Now to get food.. Branch thought as he shuffled his feet to find food. 

Poppy walked expecting her father, but was greeted by Creek. "Where have you everyone has been worried sick?!" Creek demanded. He was not his calm self today. "I was..." Poppy started "Ah I don't want to hear it." Creek dragged Poppy to her room. "King Peppy wants you to get ready for your coronation." Creek slammed the door behind him. "Jerk..." Poppy muttered to herself.

 Poppy laid in her bed not wanting to get up and change. Her thoughts keep going to the nights she spent with Branch. She was so deep in thought she did not hear the knock on the door. Two figures walked in and notices her dreamy state.

"Poppy are you ok?" The purple troll asked.

"Yeah are you fine?" The pink troll agreed. 

Poppy snapped out of her thoughts. "Yeah I am just getting ready." Poppy went over to her closest and picked out a pink dress. She laid it on her bed and gathered other stuff for her appearance. The purple troll examined her dress.

"You can't go out in that!" She had a look of disgust on her face.

"Why not Chenille?" Poppy looked at Chenille.

"Because you need to look formal." The pink troll interrupted.

" I understand I guess," Poppy said, "Thanks Satin and Chenille." Poppy Smiled at them.

"Of course you do," Satin exclaimed. 

The twins drag it to a stool and placed her on it. They started to work on a dress insistently. Once they where done they looked at there work. It had Laces on her arms and belly and It was just beautiful. 

"So where have you been for the past few days?" Satin asked.

"Umm.." Poppy looked around nervously, "I was at a market." Poppy lied.

Chenille noticed this. "No you where not, where were you really." She questioned.

"Can you guys keep a secret?" The twins both shook there head 'yes'.

"I was with the 'Thief Boy', Branch because I... well he saved me." Poppy told them. They wanted to know everything.

After she got all fancied up because of the twins and told them about Branch, she headed out to were the trolls would be waiting for her coronation. She got carried by a bug to the huge mushroom. She plopped safely on the mushroom. The troll where waiting around it and looked up at her father. King Peppy was already waiting for her and Creek was by his side. She looked at her father and saw pride and tears in his eyes. Poppy smiled at him, she was ready. He walked up to her.

"Excuse me can everyone please quiet down for the ceremony." King Peppy silence the crowd.

"Thank you," King Peppy looked over at Poppy, "You ready?"

"Ready as I will ever be." Poppy responded

"Ok then as King I now pronounce you Queen of the trolls. I will now retire and now I am a former king." Peppy declared. 

Poppy felt kind of dizzy and happy and mixed emotions. She searched the crowd and just as she hoped, spotted the familiar gray troll. She looked into his eyes and love brimmed them. She got lost in them and didn't realize the trolls started to drift away. She finely got out and went to the crowd and found Branch. Branch was smiling at her. Poppy grab his hand and hurriedly rushed him to her garden. 

It was nearing night so no one could or would see them. She sat down Branch and herself on a bench. Fireflies where flickering here and there, and a stone path lead to the castle. It was miraculous. 

"Poppy I really shouldn't be here.." Branch trailed off. 

"Why not?" Poppy demanded. 

"Well if we get caught they might take me way..." Branch reasoned.

Branch looked over at Poppy. She was watching him closely studying every detail on his gray face. To Poppy he was a stunning view, but to him he felt disgusted by himself. Poppy scooted closer to him and closer until she was a inch from his face. Poppy pressed her lips against Branch's lips. Is this really happening... Branch thought. He was shocked, but melted back into the kiss. Her lips tasted sweet like cotton candy. They where in sync, but had to part for air. 

"Bye Branch see you tomorrow." She got up and headed for the castle.

"Bye Poppy..." He was left dazed, but he then later left for his tent.

Little did they know someone in the bushes was watching them. His face was plastered with a sneer. The figure was disgusted and now hated Branch.

A/N: He had a smile on  smile on his face, but was disgusted. Who could it be? Also this is the dress Poppy was wearing. (Below)

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