Part 2: Chapter 1

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After the events of Creek no troll have gone hungry, but Poppy has not been with Branch because Peppy forbid their love and plus he was not royal and it is part of the rules to be marry royal trolls. tension has started with trolls and dragons.

Branch was cleaning the area that former poor trolls used lived. They all moved to live among the richer trolls. When Branch went into town he couldn't even recognize the trolls he use to live with. He decided to live where the poor troll lived and he started storing food and building up his shelter. He has not been near Poppy and he often thought of the times they spent together, but those days where over. He often felt like the color he regained was fading again.

Poppy was laying on her bed trying to get up for the day, but couldn't feel the energy too. She was draining energy, she felt lifeless at time, and sick. She could not describe the sickness, but she often woke up feeling disgusted inside.

"Poppy I have breakfast, can I come in?" Peppy asked.

"Yeah.." Poppy responded.

Peppy entered and laid the food on her lap. He could see the state she was in and he knew something she didn't. He knew Poppy woke up sick and he often saw his wife in the state when she was pregnant with Poppy. Please don't say... Peppy thought.

"Poppy, I know you love Branch but he not royal." Peppy tried to argue with himself and Poppy.

"I know I have not seen him sense...!" She snapped, but did not end her sentence. Mood swings... He rolled his eyes.

Poppy finished breakfast and got ready. She hurriedly ran down the stairwell. "Where are you going?" Her father asked. "Just to see my friends, not Branch." Poppy shouted. She got outside and her friends where in the usually spot. She felt a heavy feeling in her as she reached her friends.

"Hey guys!" Poppy greeted them.

"Hi." They all responded.

"Can we check if trolls has food." Biggie asked.

"Yeah can we." GD agreed.

"Sure!" Poppy exclaimed, "Everyone split up and visit every troll." I will go visit Branch... Poppy thought sneakily.

"Your going to see Branch aren't you!" Smidge whispered.

"How did you know?" Poppy asked surprised. Smidge shrugged her shoulders and she walked away.

Poppy visited houses on the way and they all told her they have plenty of food. She then started to Branch's place, Under the bush. She continued and felt a little squirm in her. She let out a small gasp as she went. She stopped besides a river and sipped in some icy cool water. It sent shivers through her. Dragons where flying above waiting for prey to nibble on.

Branch heard a small noise and went outside to see Poppy waiting for him. Poppy.. he thought as he tilted his head. Poppy leaped for joy and hugged Branch. Branch didn't want the moment to end. He was warmed by Poppy and love over filled him.

"Branch may I come in?" Poppy asked. Branch gestured her in.

Poppy went in and noticed how warm and sweet the air was, but also notice the color that was starting to fade on Branch. She looked around and saw a lot of food was stored away and supplies organize in certain ways. Poppy looked over at Branch and he was scanning her.

"Branch I have missed you." Poppy rubbed her arm nervously.

"Yeah I have too." Branch was watching her every movement.

Branch and Poppy spent a lot of time together and they both enjoy every moment. Poppy decided to spend the night with Branch, but decided to sleep away in another room.

The wind howled outside and thunder and lighting filled the sky. The bright light that shined and the clash that soon followed  has always scared Poppy. The whimpered under the loud clash. She needed to be close to someone. She ran to Branch's room and enter his room. It was decorated accordingly and it looked nice. She got over to Branch's bed and he looked peacefully like the thunder didn't bother him. She curled up besides Branch and felt comforted in the nice warm space he gave her.  She was near his stomach and he wrapped an arm around her. She feel asleep peacefully.

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