Part 2: Chapter 2

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Branch woke up to the delicious smell of food. Who's cooking? Branch wondered. Than he remembered Poppy spent the night. He jumped out of bed and stretched his back to relive the strain in his back. He walked over and noticed Poppy making oatmeal. He licked his lips just imaging the taste of oatmeal in his mouth.

"Is it done yet?" Branch asked as he leaned against the stone oven.

"Almost." Poppy replied.

She took it out and steered it for a bit. Branch looked at his food of supplies and grab some blueberries for the meal. He plopped it in the oatmeal. Poppy dumped in two bowls and gave one to Branch. He ate up and looked up to see Poppy staring at him.

"What don't you eat." He teased.

"Yeah, but I was taught not to do that." Poppy responded.

"Oh sorry.." Branch looked down.

"It's fine Branch."

They where done and they took care of their bowls. Branch and Poppy where about to go out when they heard a screeching. 

"This is really getting out of hand."Branch commented.

"What do you mean Branch?"

"Have you not sense the tension!?" Branch was confused.

"Oh Yeah..I have" Poppy giggle nervously.

"They need a visit."

Branch and Poppy hiked a mountain to the entrance of a cave. Poppy looked at him nervously. Poppy was royal so she could talk to the dragon king. She stepped forward, but Branch held her back. He shook his head 'No'. He went up to the cave and he sat down and touch the ground. The ground started shaking and a small looking dragons came lumbering out.

"King Gristle we need to talk." Branch called.

"What do you need, Branch?" King Gristle hissed.

That's strange how can Branch awaken Dragons if he's not royal. Poppy thought. They continued talking, but a movement out of her the corner of her eyes caught her attention. She looked over and saw nothing. Poppy shifted from one foot to the other. She started walking towards the movement. She went over and noticed a dragon hovering against the wall shaking. She was a purple-pinkish dragon. She's the dragon that attacked us! Poppy thought out of pure horror. Poppy was about to burst out screaming, but the dragon shushed her.

"Y-y-your that dragon t-that attacked us." Poppy stuttered. 

"I didn't attack you I wanted to meet you." The dragon reasoned. 

"Whats your name?" Poppy asked.

"Bridget." Bridget replied.

"Oh hello Bridget what where you looking at earlier?" Poppy asked.

"Not you I was looking at the king." Bridget replied.

"Oh." Poppy looked over at then and than back at Bridget.

Branch got done speaking, but didn't think it worked. Branch was guiding Poppy home, but stayed a few miles away from the kingdom. Poppy went in through the gates and enter the castle. Her father met her and angry was on his face. 

"Where have you been!" 

"Ummm.." Was Poppy only answers    

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