Freddie Mercury#1

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You're laying with Freddie spending every minute he has. He was diagnosed of H.I.V at first, you never knew he catch the disease, so one day he went to get tested the result was he was H.I.V positive. He didn't want anyone to know so he kept a secret. A few weeks later, we all noticed that something was wrong with Freddie, he was acting different. We all just shrug it off and went to do our things we always do.

I remembered that one day he called all of his friends that he trusted the most, included me which I really never thought that he trusted me. I mean I thought he didn't really trust me but I guess I was wrong.

"Y/n." He said weakly. I got up and went to the other side to give him the medication but he decline. "Freddie you have too." He shook his head and give me a weak smile. "What's the point, I have aids. I'm going to die." He cough and I check his temperature, he's sweating a lot. "Don't say that please, just take the damn medicine so you'll get better!" I start yelling of frustration. He can't die he's still young, we need him, I need him!

"Y/n please calm down." He said. "How could I calm down when you're dying, no one calms down when someone is dying!" I start sobbing hard, he can't die he's too young to die. Everything was silence expect for my sobs. I knew he's going to die but I didn't want him to die because I love him.

{Freddie's POV}

I wish I could of hug her but I can't. I'm too weak to even sit down. All I could do is to watch her, crying. It makes me sad really sad to see her. It hurts me so much because I love her. Not as friend, but as my love of my life.

"Y/n..." I spoke weakly. She turn around and walk up towards me and kneeling a little because I'm laying down on my bed. "Y/n, I know it's hard but please don't cry. It hurts me seeing you like this." I reach up to her face with all of my last strength and kiss her lips. Taking her by surprise.

{Y/n's POV}

Freddie kiss me, he kiss me! But why though? We both pull away slowly and look each other by the eyes. I didn't ask why because he said "I always wanted to do this, for a long time." He coughs and looks at me again. "But why?" I ask. He chuckles and holds my hand. "Because I love you." Those words took me by surprise and more tears fell and I hug him and he hug me back.

"Oh Freddie, I love you as well." I sob more and he hug me tightly with all of his strength. "That's all I wanted to hear from you darling." He close his eyes and his breathing stop. I pulled away softly and look at him. I check his pulse and there's no sign of him breathing.

He's gone... He's not here with us anymore.... He's dead.... But I know that his legacy, music and his spirit is always with us and forever it'll be.

Rest In Peace Freddie Mercury💙

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