Duff McKagan#2 {Requested}

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{This request is from @loverfor80s, I hope you enjoy it love.}

"Hello?" You answer groggily as you rub your left eye. "Hey it's me Izzy. Um I know it's late, but can you pick up Duff?" You look at the time 3:30 am. You groan "Why can't you guys drop him off?" "We want too, but Duff doesn't want to go. He says that he wants his girlfriend to pick him up cause we're strangers. Y/n, he's drunk, and you know how hostile he gets." Izzy explains to you. You sigh and start putting on your sandals "Yeah I know, I'll get him. Where are you now?" "We're outside in Davey Wayne's." "Alright, I'm on my way." "Thanks, see ya!" You hung up and put on your coat and grab your keys and head to get your drunken boyfriend.

You arrive a few minutes and see Izzy and Axl holding Duff and you rolled your eyes, obviously annoyed. You turn off your engine and got off the car and Izzy smile. "Thank you for picking him up, I swear we would never waken you up this late because of him. But you know-" "I know Izzy, I know." You hold Duff's waist and Duff sloppily kiss your cheek. "Hi baby, I missed you!" You struggle a bit because of his weight but you manage to get him is inside the passenger seat. "Hey baby, too much?" You refer to his drinking. He nods and drunkenly smile. "Yeah I could tell."

"Think you can handle him?" Axl ask. You nod "Yeah I'm good guys. Thanks for watching him, night." You hug Axl and then Izzy and got inside the car, start the engine and drove off. Not even 5 minutes passed and you hear Duff sniffling. You wanted to see what's wrong with him, but you were driving so you waited until a red light appear. You turn to a right and luckily the lights turn red. You quickly look at him and see Duff try to wipe his tears away. "Why are you crying baby?"  "I... I'm such a horrible boyfriend, you should be sleeping not picking me up. Oh god, I feel like shit." He sob at the end.

You wanted to hug him, but the lights turn green and you decided to park on the next street. You pulled him for a hug and now he was crying on your chest. "Hey Duff, it's ok. Don't cry, don't be hard on yourself." "B- but it's true. I bet you want to leave me and I can't blame you. Who would want to be a drunken, blonde person?" You giggle a bit and rub his back. "Duff you're being silly. Sure you get drunk now and then, but I could never leave you. I love you too much that I can't imagine myself without you." He looks up at you "Do you mean it?"

You nod and caressed his cheek "Every word." He kiss you and you kiss him back passionately. He pulls away for a minute and ask "God, how can you handle me?" You laugh a bit and kiss his cheek "You're not bad babe, I dealt worst." He chuckles and pulls you for another kiss. Before it got heated you pull away and he pouts. "We're not having sex in the car, plus not when you're drunk. It's like I'm taking advantage of you." "Y/n, baby... I consent." He try to kiss you again, but you push him away, giggling. "No Duff, you know I don't like having it when you're drunk too." He groans and crosses his arms like a little kid. "Fine." You rolled your eyes playfully and start engine again, to drive home.

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