John Lennon#3

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You knew he was seeing her, and he has over a year now. Of course you didn't do anything at first, but the paparazzi just keep writing how he's seeing someone else. You had enough and when you told him, he acted all defenseless like any cheater would. You just wanted him to admit it.

"You know those damn paparazzi are making it up. Hell, the others would of told you right?!" John yell as you stood there waiting for him to stop acting stupid and playing like the victim. "Maybe they know and they don't want to tell me since they're all you're best buddies, and honestly I don't blame them." You said calmly. He look like you like a crazy guy "You're doubting me aren't you?"

You gave him a cold stare and proudly say "Yes." He start cursing out loud and thrashing the place like a little kid would do when they have a tantrum. You just stood there, emotionless and waited for him to finish. After it felt like hours, he was sitting on the couch with his both hands on his face and breathing heavily, calming himself down.

You sat next to him and put your hand on his thigh and he look up at you "I know you've been seeing her, I knew you too are having something. I knew it happened here, in this house. I didn't say anything because well, I wanted to feel loved for a bit longer. I realized this was hurting me more, so I decided to speak up and you denying it and thrashing the place means you are."

As you told him straight to his face, a tear fell down to his cheek knowing that you're right and he awfully feels terrible, the least thing is to hurt you. "Don't cry, I know you feel bad. Don't be, when I found out. It did hurt me at first, but now I feel nothing. I got over it John, you know I get over things quick." He grabs your both shoulders "And that's the thing, I don't want you to get over me because I love you, and I- I can't get over you quick, I want to fix this. I'm not giving up!"

You remove his grip and stood up, giving your back to him "I would just give up, I don't love you anymore John. Everyday I would get my things and pack to my new house that I brought without your knowledge. Hell, I've been seeing one of your friends." "Who- who is it?" His heart hurting for what you're saying. You turn around and give him a blank expression "Paul."

With that, you start heading to the door and before you left, you took out your wedding ring and drop it to the floor. "You should give it to Yoko. It'll be more appropriate since she's going to be your new wife. Goodbye." And with that, you left and head to Paul's car where he was waiting for you with a smile. "How was it?" You buckle your seatbelt and look at him with a smile "Oh you know, acting like the victim. But of course, cheaters do that when they get caught."

Paul just pull you for a kiss "Now I can call you mine Y/n." You giggle and hold one of his hand while the other is on the wheel "Yes, I'm all yours now."

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