Just The Beginning

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New Chapter People :) Hope you enjoy :) Thank-you <3


Gemma and Nicole lined up outside the thriving club, the typical English weather causing  them both to shiver in their short dresses. "I told you they'd be here!" Nicole whispered excitedly. Gemma couldnt understand why Nicole was getting so excited. Even if One Direction did come what could ever happen. Nicole had the cheeky glint in her eye which always surfaces when a scheme is brewing. "What are yo planning on doin?" Gemma asked wearily, almost worried about what the answer would be. "I'm going to seduce Harry," Nicole says winking at Gemma. Gemma laughed loudly thinking she was joking. She continued laughing and when she opened her eyes she found Nicole staring at her with stern eyes. "Oh you MUST be joking. Harry whats his face. The curly haired one! Hes half your age!" Nicole looked at her menicingly but simply stated "Hes 18 actually and he has a thing for older women. Anyway theres only 2 years difference. And I could definiately pass for an 18 year old," she continued. Gemma glared at her with confused eyes. She began shaking her head but knew there was no talking to Nicole, if she had a plan she'd stick to it. "Ok good look with that," Gemma finished attempting to keep in her laughs. Nicole over looked her friends laughter and continued to think of a way to make this happen.

                               The duo walked into the bouncing club, Nicole constantly looking around for sightings of One Direction. Upon over hearing that the band hadnt yet arrived the pair walked over to the bar. With drinks in hands Gemma and Nicole began walking toward the dance floor. Suddenly the chatter amongst the people began to stop. All that could be heard was the fierce pupming of the club classics. "OH MY FUCKING GOD! HERE THEY ARE," Nicole shouted, proabably audable to all in the club, as Niall, Liam, Zayn, and Louis all walked into the club with Harry following close behind. "There's lover boy," Gemma begins to taunt Nicole. "Hes so much hotter in real life. LOOK at his CURLS!" Nicole simply ingnores her friend and signals to Gemma to walk to the bar. Immediately girls were throwing themselves on the band mates with Harry ignoring them all. The whole band sat down in the corner of the club onlooking the dancefloor. "Ok so I'm gonna go over and ask Harry to dance, I've heard he likes that." Nicole wispers. Gemma simply laughed at the in depth knowlege her friend has of this boyband. Nicole drank the remainder of her drink and after checking her make-up in her compact and pulling up her skirt so that the hem was barely cover her assets, began walking over to where the boys were sat. She pushed past the crowd that was begining to form around the table. Gemma looked on from the bar, as what she could only describe as the most flirtatious things she'd ever seen in her life take place. Nicole pretended to fall upon Harry, touching his chest and showing her clevage to harry as he looked down at the 20 year old who had literally thrown herself on him. But to her surprise Harry followed Nicole onto the dancefloor. Gemma continued to watch open mouthed. 

                            She turned around to face the bar man and ordered another bacardi breezer. She looked around and found Louis Tomlinson ordering a round of drinks. Surprisingly he was alone, not even one girl was following behind him. "Can I get you a drink?" Louis asks kindly. Gemmas heart almost stopped. A member of One Direction was talking to her. Although she wasnt a huge fan, or even a fan at all, she could feel her heart fluttering. "Ehheerrmm... no..n.nnoo. I;ve ggot one here. T-thank-yyou." She stuttered. They both engaged in polite conversation Gemma becoming less and less nervous with every word she spoke. "Doesn't take him long does it?" Louis said gestering toward Harry and Nicoles dirty dancing on the dancefloor. "Im so sorry for her. She's such a handful. " Gemma replied sorrily. "Oh do you know her? What are you apoplogising for. At least she doesnt try and get in to his bed immediately," Louis wispered gently. "OH shes my best friend. I came with her tonight," Gemma said laughing off the awkwarness. "And shes left you here on your own. Well we cant be having that can we." Louis left momentarily with the drinks and to Gemmas surprise arrived back and began talking to Gemma like they'd known each other  forever. Gemma was surprised how easy he was to talk to. The nervous feeling she felt at the start had melted away. At one point she even began talking about her break-up  with Dylan. 

                          Before long the pair were dancing the night away. Louis was approached several times by girls but each time he shrugged them off. Louis signiture stop the traffic, let em through was used twice during the dance session. Gemma had completely forgotten about Nicole until Harry tapped on Louis shoulder. He left for a few minutes leaving Gemma on the dance floor which didnt seem to bother her. Louis returned and put his arms around Gemmas waist, sending shivers down her spine. "Someones gonna get lucky tonight," Louis whipered in Gemmers ear as he nodded over to the door where Harry was leaving from, holding Nicole hand behind him. "NO WAY!" Gemma screched in Louis ear. He began laughing as he rubbed his ear. "Jesus sorry!" Gemma said laughing. Suddenly the music changed to a slow love song. Louis began swaying, pulling Gemma closer. Gemma recognised the song as "Kiss Me" by Ed Sheeran. It was always one of her favourites and this moment made the song even more powerful. Louis appeared to know the song as well, miming the words and the pair continued to dance. Gemma dropped her head to read on Louis shoulder, letting out a deep breath as she did so. The chorus began and Louis started gently and quitely singing the words into her ear. As it ended Gemma lifted her head and suddenly  her lips met with Louis'. Her head began to whirl and it felt like they were the only two people on dancfloor. She felt as if she was lifting off the ground, Louis soft lips continuing to move in sync with hers. The began to pull away from each others lips and Gemma, again, layed her head on Louis shoulder. She suddenly remeber Dylan and how all through her three year relationship with him, he never made her feel the way she just had when she kissed Louis. Her feelings for Dylan now melted away and as the song ended she lifted her head and looked deep into Louis blue eyes. They glinted in the light and she pushed her lips against his again. She got the same feeling as before. Gemma realised her feeling for Dylan were completely gone. 

                             The duo spent the rest of the night with each other. Zayn and Niall had left the already and Liam had left with his girlfriend. Louis stayed with Gemma until the club closed. The pair swapped numbers and left each other with a kiss. Gemma walked into her flat and found that Nicoles clothes were flung every where. "Looks they came back here then," Gemma whispered to herself as she stepped over Nicoles dress. Gemma undressed quickly and jumped into bed without even removing her make-up. She was tired after such a long day but she also had an excited feeling. " Don't get so excited. He wont call back. He's too famous," she said loudly to herself to drown out the noise coming from her flat mates room. Eventually she fell asleep thinking about how magical the kiss she shared with Louis was. She awoke and saw her phone flashing. She had 6 missed calls and 8 messages from Louis. She looked at her phone and began to grin from ear to ear. "Or maybe he will call you," she whipered laughing to herself. 

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