First Appearances

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One Week Later:

"Fancy headin out? ;)" Gemma read the text aloud giggling at the winking smily. "There's only one ting that means," Gemma thought to herself. She hadnt seen Louis properly since she got back from his place. All that week he had been recording stuff with the boys on Brighton so seeing him was awkward. This also meant that Gemma hadnt seen Harry which was a bonus. As she thought her feelings for him had calmed down hugely. She no longer wanted to kiss him when she thought about him. For now these feelings were channeled into Louis. The pair talked on the phone every other night and just by hearing Louis voice Gemmas day was instantly brighter. Gemma could also tell by Louis tone that he was happy to hear her voice. Today he arrived home. "Yeah sure. Pick me up at 8.30?:P" Gemma text back quickly and within seconds Louis had replied with "See you then." Gemma pulled up her purple sleeve so it was no longer covering her watch. Her tan had faded now and all that was left was a slight yellow orange colour which was only visible when the sun shone. Her watch read 6 o'clock. At least this time she doesnt have to rush like last time. Nicole had gone out to top her fake tan in a beautcians an hour away. According to her it was the "best in the country," and no other in London would do. Gemma began to watch the Simpsons and although it was a repeat she still loved it. By the end she was laying over the sofa outstreched with a tea cup in one hand and her other perched against her head to keep it up right. Although she was tired from her working day at the paper she was happy to be going out with Louis. Gemma was a writer. Well an up and coming writer. She was a college drop out who opted for the first thing she saw in the job ads. She wrote minor stories for a local paper. She wasnt exactly Stephanie Meyer but she was proud of her achievements plus it paid the bills and it was a secure job. She continued to lay there for several minutes and slowly her eyes become heavier and heavier.

                                "I'm back and browner than ever!" Gemma jumped up suddenly. She had fallen asleep infront of the tv. Her arm was numb from lying on top of it and it swung uncontrollably around her as she jumped. "Jesus! What time is it?" Gemma asked. "Hi to you too. I've not seen you all day," Nicole replied pulling a face. "Ok hi what time is it?" Gemma asked urgently. "Just gone half seven, why?" "Fuck!" Gemma chanted as she ran to the bathroom." Nicole walked to the bathroom door and asked if she was ok. " Im meetin Louis in an hour. But I fell asleep." Gemma exclaimed almost breathlessly as she looked at her face in the mirror. "Oh so that explains the empty up on the floor thats surrounded by a tea stain!" Nicole shouted as she walked over beside the sofa and picked up the remains of the cup. "Sorry," Gemma said sacrcastically as she turned the shower on. 20 minutes later she stepped out of the bathroom  wrapped in a soft white towel and ran into her bedroom. She looked for her black dinner dress in her cupboard and pulled it out vigorously. She dried herself quickly and through the towel to the floor. She grabbed her make up bag and ran into the bathroom again. As she ran through the livingroom Nicole shouted "30 minutes," causing Gemma to lift her middle finger in response. She pulled her hair down from the pony tail it was once in. Her soft brown hair curled slightly at the bottom and reached the middle of her back. She pinned back  a few strands at the front and left the rest loose. She now began her make up. She lined her eyelids with black liquid liner highlighting her huge brown eyes. She opted not to wear eye shadow and instead wore a classy shade of read lipstick. She stepped back from the floor length mirror and looked herself up and down. Her eyes immediately focused on her legs.  The faded holiday tan wasnt enough and so she ran into her room and grabbed a pair of tights. They didnt give her the "just back from Rimini" look but it was better that what it was. While in her room she put on her best gold necklace and threw on some bracelets. She ran out to where Nicole  was sitting and asked her opinion. Nicole looked her up and down smirking. " Gorgeous, except wheres the shoes?" Nicole asked. "Crap," Gemma said as she ran into her room for what felt like the fiftieth time today. She pulled out a pair of black stilletos with a gold stripe towards the toe. "She walked back into the room, grabbing a bag as she left. Nicole looked around over the back of the chair. She nodded her head intently. Suddenly both their heads turned to the door. The buzzer rang and Gemma walked slowly over to the mouth piece. "Come on up," Gemma said quietly into the micraphone. "Hes puntual aint her," Nicole said looking at her phone. "It 8.30 dead." Gemma opened the door and found Louis wearing a suit, holding 7 red roses in his hands. His face instantly lit up when he saw Gemma open the door. He gave her the roses without even speaking and kissed her intimately. His hand began to slowly move up from her waitse and made its way up to her neck. They slowly ran through Gemmas hair as Gemma pulled away from the kiss. "Why hello there," she said cheekily grinning as she did so. She looked down at the roses in her hands as put them in a make shift vase by the door. "You shouldnt have they're beautiful." "Just like you then," Louis said laughing at his cheesy line. "You look gorgeous. Im happy you dressed up." He said as he looked at her dress. "Thank you and why?" Gemma asked insightfully. " I should have told you this but we're going to a party tonight. Theres gonna be press there and shit so. Its also gonna be the first time we step in public together." He said smiling as he took hold of Gemmas hand lovingly. "OH MY GOD! You should of fuckin told me. I d of made more of an effort." Gemma said almost angrily.She was going to go mad but when she saw Louis face she simply couldnt be.  "I didnt wanna tell you. Any way you look stunning, you'll be the best lookin girl there," Louis said as he hugs her. He lightly pecks her cheek and signals to leave. "Ok bye Nicole," Louis says smiling. "I seen you lookin in the corner of you eye ya little spy."Louis said. And with that he closed the door. 

                               The pair were walking down the stairs when Gemma asked "So is there anyone else goin?" "Yeah the rest of the lads are waitin in the taxi." Louis said smiling. Gemmas heart sunk suddenly. This meant Harry would be there. This meant she'd also have to go to a party with him. He would probably see her drunk again only this time she'd have to tone down the flirting. "Whats wrong. You feel nothing for Harry." Gemma reasured herself over and over in her head. They got to  the door and Louis and Gemma walked over to the taxi. Louis opened the door for her and she stepped elegantly into the car. She looked to her side and who else but Harry was sat beside her. She couldnt believe her luck. And not the sweat pants Harry she'd seen before no this time she saw a suited up Harry. Complete with a dicky bow. Her heart began to race as he looked at her. Harry tried to controll himself which he managed to do very well. "Lookin good" Harry said cheekily winking at her. "Ignore him."  Zayn said from the front of the car. "Oh and Hi everyone," Gemma said as Louis slammed the door shut. She looked beside her and Harry was still looking at her only darting his eyes over to Louis to check he wasnt looking. Louis placed a hand on Gemmas knee and smiled from ear to ear as the driver took off. "Wheres Liam and Niall?" Gemma asked. "They're makin their own way." Louis said looking at Zayn. Harry started talking to Gemma intenionally making her laugh and touching her where ever possible. Every so often he would touch her arm quickly when no one was looking each time sending a shiver down Gemmas spine. As the car came to a halt Gemma looked momentarily at Harry who looked back. He licked his lips and looked her in the eye lustfully. Gemma would be lying if she said she wasnt 100% attracted to him right now but she was Louis girlfriend and this was their first public appearance. "You ready babe?" Louis asked kindly. "As always," and after a peck on the cheek Louis stepped out of the car followed by Gemma. Suddenly a fog of flashing cameras began. Louis grabbed hold of Gemmas hand quickly and began walking. Gemma looked at him almost petrifyed of the paparazzis. How bad would it look if she was seen holding hands with Louis but later spotted leaving the toilets with Harry?

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