I Love Louis, I Really Do

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Gemmas P.O.V

We arrived safely in Paris and were driven to the hotel we were staying at. We both walked into the hotel, after walking through a crowd of hardcore fans waiting out side, and were followed by the driver of the car who was carrying our bags. This was something I could never get used to this. Having someone running around us like we're royalty but clearly Louis had. I looked upon the lobby in awe. It was positively huge. There were painings on all walls. A single chandeliere hung in the very centre of the room and benethe it was a circular chair. The colour scheme was gold and creme, such an elegant place. There was a line of gold where the wall and ceiling met and it contined all the way around the room. The beautiful paintings all dipicted Paris but from different perspectives. The lobbys desk was a simple brown mahogany desk but was decorated beautifully with yet more golden colours.  Upon seeing Louis not a word was said and a key was handed to him and our bags were passed from the driver to a hotel porter. We arrived at our room and my jaw immediately dropped to the floor. This room must have been size of my apartment block. There was a huge window which went from one side of the room to the other and over looked the Eiffel Tower. The colour scheme from the lobby has continued in the room. The bed was covered with a creme duvet and decorated with what looked like hand stiched gold flowers. There even mints on the pillows, something I have never seen before. A lone 32" tv hung on the wall opposite the bed. Some how I doubht we'd be watching it much. I turned around to show Louis my stunned expression who had just finished tipping the porter. He smiled his classic smile and snaked his arms around my waist. "Its almost as beautiful as you, " Louis said looking deep into my eyes. As usual that sent shivers down my spine and I pecked his lips quickly and walked into the bathroom with a separate shower room. It had two sinks and two toilets and a bidet. The bath could fit about 5 people. There were two floor length mirrors between the sinks and the shower room was accessible from a door on the opposite side of the bath. "Check this out!" I shout to Louis who made his way over to the bathroom. "Amazing right?" He replied and I kissed him passionately. We walked slowly to the bed and lay down.

                                               The following day we went shopping in Paris. That evening we were going to dinner in the Eiffel Tower so I decied I would buy an outfit here. After clearing about 30 shops I found the perfect black dress in no other than Chanel. We both bought enough things to clothe a nation. We returned to our room at 7 o'clock and our dinner plans were for 8 oclock. We both got ready and as I walked out of the bathroom with my full make up done, hair ready and dress on Louis was simply speechless. "You are beautiful. I cant believe you're mine," he smiled and kissed me and hugged me tightly. "I love you," I whispered in his ear and grabbed my brand new bag. My new black Louis Bouttons heightened me and I was almost the same height as Louis. We both walked out Louis wearing a black suit and tie and a white shirt. He looked unbelievably amazing. I jokingly grabbed his bum and he smirked back as we were getting out of the lift. We were both escorted to a car and we drove the short distance to the tower. Our hotel was visible from the tower and Louis pointed out suite. It was gradually getting dark as we sat down to out meal. The restaurant was beautiful. Decorated in red and black the tables were beautiful. There were plenty of others here and for a change I actually fit in with it all. By the time out meal arrived it was pitch black and the tower was glowing. It was probably the most beautiful site I have ever seen. We both elegantly ate our meal at an attempt to look like a posh tutti. We later ordered our deserts. After we both ordered our Chocolat A LA CARTE. Louis began talking. " I love you, and I cant believe Im lucky enough to have you in my life. Its moments when you are sleeping and I look at you and think that you have totally stole my heart. You have changed my life completely for the better and every day that I spend with you is just amazing. I just cant believe that I'm lucky enough to call you my girlfriend and theres only one thing I want to change about that because there is more than this," he gets up from his seat and gets down on one knee and gets a small box from his jacket pocket. He opens the box and my eyes find the most beautiful diamond ring I have ever seen. My hands shoot up to my face and I cant believe what is happening. "From now on I want to be able to call you my wife. Gemma Healey will you make me the luckiest and happiest man in the world and become my wife?" He asks and I immediately jump up from my seat and scream yes forgetting completely about the etiquette I was trying to uphold. He stands up quickly and hugs me like never before. I kiss him deeply and smile. I love Louis, I really do ,so why is that when he asked me to be his wife did Harrys face pop into my head.

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