6 or 7 weeks

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Hiya! :D New chapter up :) i just realised this has got over 2,000 reads... Thats mental so thanks to everyone who has read it and still is :D Ill try and update as much as possible soon but exams and stuff are slowing the process. But if you like it you can vote and comment and Ill defo keep up with those :) Anyway thanks again <3 :) 

Harrys P.O.V

"Dad, how did you meet mummy?" A little girl aged only five or six asks me as she sits down on the black sofa of my livingroom. "Well, come here and I'll tell you," 

I say as I pat my lap signalling her to sit there. She happily jumps up and looks at me  with her deep green eyes sparkling. "To be honest, it wasnt exactly the most 

easy of starts," I begin and she gasps slightly. "Well you know your uncle Louis? Well he was your mummys boyfriend for a while before myself and your mummy fell in love."

The little girl looks at me intently. "I dont know why you call him my uncle. I've only ever seen him once and he didnt even give me a hug." She says and crosses her

arms almost pouting. "He's your uncle because even though we dont talk as much any more he was like a brother to me. We would have given everything for each other and I

ruined the friendship. That's something I regret every day. He was my best friend, my brother and band mate and now I'm lucky if I get to see him once a decade."

Suddenly the little girl jumps up off my lap and begins shouting. "Harry, Harry, Harry..." She jumps up and down and I feel myself shaking. "We're home. HEeeeellloooo?"

Suddenly the scene goes black and I open my eyes with a jump. "You ok? You were shouting and you're sweating like a fucking pig," Louis says as I get up from the sofa

I had fallen asleep on for the fifth time this week.Work has been busy and I'm lucky if I get home before 10 most nights. We're recording our new album and doing A LOT 

of promotion for it. We must have done at least 7 different radio and telivision interviews this week alone. Suppose thats the price you pay when you're part of the biggest

boyband  in the world. Simon proposed that we record this album in America but I protested. I recall saying "We're a british band, our real fans are british so we'll record

the things they'll listen to in Britain." I've never enjoyed travelling to record. There is absolutely nothing different in the studios across the pond apart from a group

of stuck up "singers" who wave at us behind a glass window. I suppose the other reason I dont like travelling lately is because every where we go Gemma goes too.At least here

I can leave the house and stay some place else or even just go for a simple walk down the lane. But when you share a hotel and a tour bus I'm stuck having to watch her

and Louis practically have sex every day.The way she looks at him with those wide blue eyes. The way her hair flows off her shoulder when she has just washed it. 

The way Louis places his arm around her shoulders whenever they're just sitting watching TV. Or the way they she holds on to Louis hand as if she'll die if she lets go 

when they have to walk through press or cameras. I honestly cant wait to hate this girl, anythings better than being madly in love with someone you live with. Someone

you see every day without fail. Some how though, I doubht I'll ever be able to hate her. She's just too perfect. 

           As I woke Gemma looked over from the sofa she shared with Louis, who had sat back down from wakening me. She smiled gently and her eyes seemed warmer than usual,

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