So I Faked a Smile Instead

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  • Dedicated to Katie Friel

Hiya :) How are ya :D Well this is a new chapter and I'd like to dedicate it to my friend Katie<3 she is quite the legend and she knows why <3 Anyway this is a style of writing I havent done before so its all new to me ;) Hope you enjoy it :D


Harrys P.O.V

Why am I up so early? Its 10am the morning after a party. Somehow I dont have a hangover though. I just have that ringing feeling in my ears from the music. I have to say I enjoyed last night. Seeing Gemma in that dress, she looked beautiful. I love the way her hair just flowed down her back. I love the way her eyes glinted in the lights. I loved how cute and nervous she before she got out of the car. I'd have given anything to be the one she was stepping out of the car with though, as in the one who got to hold her hand. I'd love to be the one who got to kiss her whenever I wanted and I'd loved to have been the one she sneaked off to the trees with. She thought I hadnt noticed but when I was coming back from the bar I noticed her towing Louis behind her. This was what caused me to pull those two blonde girls. I danced with them for a while and from the off I knew they were both up for something more. I timed it perfectly. Just as Gemma was walking out of the bathroom I was walking into the bathroom with those two in my arms. I regret it now though. It meant nothing and the entire time I was picturing her. What was I thinking? But like Gemma said we cant act on this. Louis means too much me, he's my bestfriend. I know for  fact that this would break his heart, I can tell just by the way he looks at her. That glint he gets in his eye, the little smirk that comes across his lips every time he even gets a text from her. I will not be the guy to hurt his bestfriend like that. Not only will it hurt him, possibly kill him but it would almost certainly break up the band and that would hurt everyone. But from all this I can draw some happiness in that I know that Gemma feels the same way about me. She likes me, she said it to my face. I believe her words were "I have feelings for you."  She kissed me, we almost slept together on that first night she stayed over. That itself is proof enough.

                               I was suddenly awoken from my thoughts as Gemma walked into the kitchen. She always manages to walk in here when I'm on my own. She was wearing one of Louis shirts which went down to just the middle of her thigh. Her hair was ruffled yet she still looked gorgeous. Her natural face was glowing. "Oh hi!" Gemma said as she walked in the door. "I didnt think you'd be up yet." She said looking at me. "Oh I couldnt sleep. I dont feel so bad anyway." Gemma nodded and smirked. She walked over to the fridge and brought out a yogurt. She turned to look at me, this time more intesely. I could feel my heart begin to race. Suddenly i could feel my brow begin to sweat. "I was happy I got you on your own actually." Gemma said as she continued to walk over to me. She quickly pulled out a spoon from the drawer and slammed it shut, sending a shudder through my entire body. I focused my whole attention on her as she walked over to me, her hair flipping of her shoulder as she did so. "Look about what I felt before," she began as she sat down beside me. I looked at her expectantly hoping she would say she was breaking things off with Louis. " It's totally gone. That week away from everyone really helped. I'm so sorry for just confusing you like that." She said and  a chill ran down my spine. I couldnt of been more wrong. My heart sunk and I could feel the lump in my throat appearing. Why was I feeling like this? I had kissed her what twice? I had only spent two days with her and yet I feel like this about her. I've had so many girlfriends and none of them had made me feel like this. I was getting in so deep. My heart continued to sink. "Yeah I was gonna say the same about you," I lied somehow swallowing back the ever growing lump in my throat. "Yeah I must of got caught up in the moment and the first night we were both drunk." She said laughing to herself. I tried to fake a laugh but no nosie came out so I faked a smile instead.  "I figured you were over it too when I saw you going into that bathroom together." Gemma said smiling. "So did you have a nice time last night then?" she asked as I continued to fight away the tears that were building up in my eyes. I nodded vigoursly trying to cough away that stupid lump. "Yeah it was actually a really good night." I said faking a smile yet again.  She nodded and proceeded to rip the top off her yogurt and plunge her spoon in. "So wheres loverboy then?" I said nodding my head over to the door. "He's still asleep. I didnt wanna wake him and I was starving." She said as she removed the spoon slowly and seductively from her mouth. I began to wonder weather or not she was doing this on purpose. These thoughts were completely shot down when Louis came to the door. She quickly finished her yogurt and ran over to the door. Louis then threw his arms around her and kissed her. I looked away and stared at my coffee. At this moment in time I would kill to switch places with Louis. I looked up momentarily again  and noticed that the shirt Gemma was wearing had  ridden up and her underwear was now showing. I sighed deeply so that they could hear. "Oh my god sorry," Gemma said as she pulled away from Louis and began pulling him away back down the hall. I dragged my hand through my curls as I watched both walk off down the hall. I heard Louis door close and with that I slammed by head down onto the table. I guess now I will have to hide my feelings because now even if I was willing to break my best friends heart and break up the band I'd have to hurt Gemma and thats one thing I could never do. I just loved her too much.

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