For Now At Least

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Harrys P.O.V

After the film had finished and we wiped away our tears I brought Nicole over a glass of coke and the vodka I had half finished from earlier. We sat side by side on the couch and stared blankly at the tv and just sat in silence. For a change it wasnt an awkward silence. It was half one in the morning and we were both tired and after such an exausting day, Nicole was wrecked. I peered over at where Nicole was sat and noticed her head was had fallen to one side. She had fallen asleep and the glass that was half full was no slowly falling from her hand. I gently rose from where I once sat and carefully removed the glass from her hand. She stirred ever so slightly but resumed her sleeping position without even opening her eyes. I walked swiftly over to the kitchen and placed the glass on the kitchen table quietly and walked back over to where she sat. I stood looking at her peaceful face for what felt like 10 minutes. Although she looked peaceful she looked uncomfortable, so I slowly stepped closer to her and as gently as humanly possible I lifted her from her position. I opened the door to the hall and walked her swiftly to the spare bedroom. I placed her down softly on the neatly made bed and place her head on the freshly fluffed pillows. Normally when I do this for a girl I would have my way with her but tonight I really didnt feel the need. For some bazzare reason with myself I felt like I was cheating on Gemma. I wasnt even dating the girl. We had kissed what twice? Yeah I know I'm a pathetic miserable man who envisages himself loving his best friends soon-to-be fiance. But yet I cant bring myself to even think about sleeping with some else at this stage. I made my way out of the bedroom and looked over my shoulder as I left making sure Nicole was still soundly asleep. I quietly closed the door and proceeded to walk back to the living room. I looked at my phone and opened the one message I had received all day. It was from Louis and read " Hiya Curly, arrived safe and sound :) But plans have changed slightly.. Ill text you tomorro and fill you in if I have time. x" I laughed slightly at the little x at the end of the text. And he wonders why people ship Larry Stylinson. I text him back quickly and through phone down and turned the rest of the lights in the house off. I walked into my room and left the hall light on. Iv never liked complete darkness. At least when Louis here I know im not alone and although Nicole is here I still prefer to have the light on. I fumble into my room leaving the door ajar. I change quickly and jump into bed. I cuddle up under the covers and begin to think what it would be like if I was in Paris with Gemma. What it would be like to simply cuddle upto her at night. Just what it would be like to call her my girlfriend, like I did every night.

                                              I wake in the morning earlier than usual. I fell asleep thinking of Gemma and of course I woke up thinking about her. To distract my mind I went to get my breakfast. I briefly forgot about the fact that Nicole had stayed over. I glared blankly into the frige and closed it again. Upon finding nothing I made my way to the bath room. I turned the shower on quickly and threw a towel over the side of the shower cubicle. I stepped in and 10 minutes later I was out. I wrapped the towel around myself and dried my locks quickly with a seperate towel.  I left the slightly soaking towel in the was basket and walked over the hall to my room. I picked out a pair of joggers and a hoodie and pulled on a pair of converse. I walked back to the kitchen and saw as Nicole sat eating a blowl of special kay the Gemma had bought in. "Hope you dont mind I was starving and I took an outfit from Gemmas room. Ill get it back before she returns from her holiday,"  Nicole said eyeing up my toned down outfit. "Oh yeah no worries," I said smiling slightly. "Did you sleep ok?" I asked gently. "Oh yeah thanks. Did you leave me down last night? I dont rememeber going to the room?" She asked questioninly raising her eyebrows slightly. "Yeah," I said almost inaudable as I nodded. "Thanks," she finished her cereal and rose from her stool and brought her bowl to the sink. "Ill do that," I said as I tried to grab the bowl but she refused and dominantly took the bowl bank and watched as it sunk into the basin. "Do ya fancy gettin some proper breakfast? Cos I really fancy some bacon but I dont wanna cook." I said looking at her. "Erm...yeah sure........." she says hesitantly. "If you dont want to thats fine, just say." I said looking at her with reassuring eyes, something Id learned to perfected over my 18 years. "Oh I do its just.... Im a little.... anxious....Im still kinda shook up from last night." She said looking down at her uncovered toes. " Ill be with you...No one can do anything. Any way we'll literally be walking from my car to Nandos. But i understand totally if you dont want to."  "You know what, never mind Ill go." she says smiling. I quickly grab my phone from where id left it on the sofa last night. Nicole walks slowly towards the door and looked at me feverishly. "Dont worry, you're safe," I whispered safely in her ear. She smiled and we both left the house and I shut the door behind me. For once I'd forgotten about Gemma or at least for now. 

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