A surprise Knock At The Door

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Hey everyone :) Two chapters in the same day ;) I should be studying but yano fuck school :L So enjoy the chapter :D thank out :)

Harry watches and waves Louis off as he drives off to collect Gemma. As soon as Louis is out of sight he smile that he has plastered on his face fades into an almost comical frown. His hand drops down quickly from the fun-loving wave and slams down to his side. He moves his hand through his curls and lets out a deep sigh. "Luck bastard," Harry whispers to himself. He dawdles back into his flat and slams the door as he walks back into his flat. He runs to his bedroom and quickly changes into a pair of hollister track suit bottoms which came down to just below his knee. He shrugged on a hoody and flug off the t-shirt he was once wearing. He looked down at the t-shirt he had just flung to the other side of the room. "Ill be your Haz" Harry read aloud. He sat down abruptly on his bed and threw his head into his hands. Tears suddenly began to stream down his face. The ran from his eyes and rolled down his cheeks some ending up on his lips while others simply dripped down from his chin leaving tiny marks on his hoodie. "Why am I like this?" Harry said to himself as he stoop up and wiped the tears from his face. He walked back out into his living room and pulled out a bottle of vodka from a cupboard underneath his tv which was perched on the wall. He got a small glass from a kitchen cabinet and poured some of the clear liquid into it. He downed the glass quickly and proceeded to poured himself another glass. He turned on the tv and what else was playing but F.R.I.E.N.D.S. "Is it on repeat or something?" Harry said to himself as he reached for the remote. As he hovered his finger over the button he something inside of him stopped him. He looked up at the tv again switching his focus from the remote. The one Where Joey Tells Rachel. "Its as if the TV companys know whats going on in my life," Harry says quietly to himself downing yet another glass of vodka. He continues to watch suddenly forcing all his attention onto the tv. Joey was about to tell Rachel he loved her. A shiver shot down Harrys spine. He had wanted to tell Gemma the truth for so long but clearly she loved Louis and Louis very clearly loved her.  Harrys mind drifted off and all he could imagine was him proposing to Gemma. That it was him who got to kiss her and love her the way Louis does. That it was him who got to watch Gemma walk down the aisle and stand beside him at the alter and swear themselves to each other for the rest of their lives. But it wasnt. His bestfriend got to do that instead. He would just be able to watch. Harry hasnt slept with any one since his feelings for Gemma began. Thats five months. For Harry styles thats an eternity. He has only kissed three girls since his feelings for Gemma began and everytime he imagined it was Gemma. "I have to get over this, its never gonna happen," He says to himself. 

                                         Suddenly theres a knock on the door. It sounds urgent so Harry rushes to the door expecting to find Niall or Liam standing at the door looking to go out. As Harry walked over to the door his eyes shot over to the clock that hungon the wall in the kitchen. Its 8 oclock now and its dark out. Harry opens the door and is shocked to find Nicole stood there, crying. "Hi," Nicole manages to hiccup out," Is Gemma there." She said she was coming back here before she left for her holiday." "No sorry they went straight to the airport but come in, are you ok?" Nicole walked in hesitantly and wiped away the tears that continue to stream down her face. "Erm.. yeah....I've just been mugged." She coughed out between cries. "Oh my god! What did they get? Did they hurt you?" Harry asked kindly as Nicole sat down shaking on his sofa. "No they didnt   hurt me just a few bruises and cuts. But they took my bag and it had everything in it. My keys my phone all my money." she said throwing her head into her hands and crying hysterically. Harry outstreched his arms and hugged her comfortingly.Nicole tried to stop crying and looked up at Harry. Harrys eye meanwhile looked down her arm and found a bruise. The purple-blue mark was growning bigger and bigger. "Come here lets get that looked at," Harry said getting up and walking over to the freezer. He grabbed an ice pack and proceeded to walk over and place it on Nicoles arm. "Thanks," she said as she shuddered slighty at Harrys touch.  "Listen you can stay here tonight, theres no way im letting you go home tonight. You're in too much of a state." Harry said reassuringly throwing his arm around her shoulder again. He almost forgot that night he went back to hers and they... got to know each other. That was the last time he had... done that with someone since this whole Gemma thing. "Are you sure I dont want to intrude?" Nicole asks quietly pulling away from the half hug that Harry involved her in. "Of course theres a spare room anyway." Harry said removing the ice pack from her arm. The swelling had gone down slightly but the colour continued to changed into a deep purple. "Anyway how are you supposed to get in.. you've got no key," Harry said smiling down at Nicole who returned the gesture. "Ill leave that on a few more minutes." They both turned to watch the tv that continued to play. Nicole felt immediately better and sunk into the sofa. Her crying had stopped after she cleaned herslef up in the bathroom. Her skinny jeans were some how stainless but her top had ripped a little as the mugger had accidently grabbed it with her hand bag. She walked back into the living room and Harry had made a cup of tea and brought down a pair of pajamas from Gemmas room. "I figured you'd need some. If theres anthing else you need just go on down. We both know she wont mind." With that Nicole grabbed the pajamas and walked back down the hall and into Gemmas room. She knew exactly where to go. After living woth someone for 2 years you figure out exactly where they keep their stuff. She pulled on the pyjamas and threw the clothes she was wearing under Gemmas and Louis bed. She looked on her bedside table. There was a picture of Gemma and Louis facing the bed. She hadto admit she was jealous of Gemma. She had found the perfect guy who was taking her away to Paris for a get away week. Gemma was going out with one of the most coveted boys in the country and was really good friends with every other boy in One Direction. Millions of girls would kill to be her but Gemma some how takes it in her stride. Nicole walked back into the living room again. Harry was watcing Love Actually and from the way Gemma talks he watches  a lot. Harry upon seeing Nicole walk into the patted the seat beside him. "You feel better now?" Harry said. Nicole nodded and sat down beside him.  Although she barely knew Harry she felt close to him. She felt safe with him. "And as for the muggers ill sort them out." Harry said smiling. Nicole held back her giggles at Harrys attempt to be hard. "So do you like this film then?" Nicole looked up feverishly and answered "To be honest Iv never seen it." Harrys mouth dropped open but soon changed into a smirk. "Well then you're not goin home until you've seen it." he said smiling and jumping up from his seat. He walked over to the kitchen and put a packet of microwave popcorn into the microwave. Before long it was done and Harry walked back over to where Nicole was and placed the bowl of popcorn in her lap. He came back with a huge bottle of coke and two glasses. "We'll act like we're 15 all over again," he laughed as he started the film all over again. He put his arm around Nicole again and they both began watching the film.

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