And that thought killed me a little inside

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Harrys P.O.V.

So today is the day myself and Louis get our suits fitted. Zayn,Niall and Liam are joining us later in the fitting shop. Its a low key shop, very small but Louis has 

always insisted that he got his suits tailored here. Its on the main street in Doncaster, so it was a good  3 hour dive from London. As soon as we walked into the shop 

Louis was immediately greeted warmly by a woman who looked exactly like his mother. "LOOOUUIISSSS!!!" She screamed on his entry into the tailors. She ran swiftly to

him and squeezed his so tight I genuinely thought he would burst. "Aunty!" Louis proclaimed as he was attacked, realisation hitting me. This must me the infamous aunt Nora. Louis

had always spoke very fondly of this woman. The always had a Strong bond through out his childhood according to Louis but this bond was strengthened during our stint on

the X Factor. Every day Louis would call her without fail, simply to chat about the days goings on. On one occasion that Louis failed to call her, Nora worriedly called him,

panicking frantically. I was sitting next to Louis when he received the call, and I can still hear her shouts now. Frantically asking what had happened and how she thought he fell 

off the face of the earth, even though he had only failed to call him once, one day, literally. However now this woman seems calmer, not by much though. Some how I have

never met her. After hugging Louis for what seemed an eternity she let him go, grabbing his arm and pulling towards me. I stood expectantly as she walked towards me, her

eyes shifting between my hair and my eyes. "So," she began as her eyes shot back to Louis. "Is this the famous Harry Styles I hear you talk so much about," she said and her 

eyes shot back to me. I reached out my hand to shake hers but instead she pulled me into a hug, leaving my hand and arm in an awkward place. "Nice to meet you," I choked out,

her hug almost completely stopping me from taking a breath. She slowly pulled away. "Im Nora!"she said walking backwards towards Louis. "He really is lovely isnt he? I can

see why you talk about him so much." she said as she pat Louis on the shoulder and walked into a back room. Louis motioned me forward and followed as he followed the path of his aunt.

"A cuppa yorkshire?" she asked her grey-blue eyes boring into Louis. "Do you really need to ask  that question?"  he says laughing to himself and sat down on the  two seater sofa

that was surprisingly neat in a messy surrounding. "Is that ok for you Harry?" she asked politely. I nodded and smiled in response. As the kettle boiled she came back into the messy

backroom. "Yano, I was surprised when Louis announced he was getting married," she began nodding to Louis at the mention of his name. Louis in response looked at her in surprise. "Cos

I always thought he'd end up with you. Harry do you know how much he talked about you. Honestly I could barely get a word in edge ways in our daily conversations." Louis smiled

innocently and I let a little laugh out. "I still have a feeling this wedding is all a cover up and you and him are really together," she said with a surprisingly serious

face. Louis smiled in her direction and beamed at me. "Well.. Harry I think we've been busted." I smirked as confidentently as possible throwing myself upon his. Our fake make out

session was cut short as the kettle began to whistle. Louis and I were in hysterics laughing as Nora handed us our tea. "So Lou.. what are you gonna tell Gemma?" I asked

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