Chapter Five: Poison's On My Lips

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Tyler had gone the rest of the day not talking to anyone much. Tuesday and Wednesday were the exact same. He sat with Josh and his friends, feeling normal, but at the same time, not feeling sane. The voices still were there. Thursday was a bit different. At lunch, Julie was with the crazy, party kids like Davis and Nero.

"Why is Julie over there?" Erika, who had taken Julie's spot, asked. "She always complained about them."

"Huh, I don't know," Josh responded. He titled his head at Julie when she glanced back at them. Or rather, not them, Tyler. "Whatever."

But Tyler kept her stare. She had mischief in her eyes, a glow that almost wanted to grab Tyler and bring him over. He felt almost dazed by her eyes. She winked at him, and then looked back to the kid she was talking to (Tyler was pretty sure his name was Michael), and Tyler turned back to Josh.

"Why are you biting your lip, Ty?" James laughed, pointing it out.

Tyler didn't even notice until James did. He let it go and looked down, the giggles torturing his mind.

"Anyway, has anyone finished that project in English?" Natalie dragged the attention away from Tyler.

Do you want her?

No, Tyler thought. She's just, uh...

A friend, yeah, yeah. Who cares about that. Did you see that glimmer in her eyes? You should date her. You should kiss her.

Ugh, shut up.

Nah, your heart should shut up. It's begging for her....

"Shut," Tyler muttered. "Please. Not now."

Then leave, because we are here. And we, what a surprise, will stay.

"I...have to grab something," Tyler smiled at his friends and stood up. "One second."

Josh looked at him curiously, his eyebrows raised.

Tyler gave him a reassuring smile and turned away. But he didn't know where to go.

Where are you going, kid?

"I don't know," Tyler whispered. He turned away from the cafeteria, heading towards the boy's bathroom.

"Tyler, hey!" A musical voice stopped Tyler. "Where are you going?"

Julie grabbed his arm and turned him around. A funny, playful look crossed her face.

"I'm just...getting something from my locker," Tyler answered her. For some reason, his gut was telling him that Julie wasn't all that she seemed- nice, kind, innocent. But he trusted her. Josh did, so she must be nice. "That's all."

"I'll come, I'm bored." Julie laughed and started to walk with him, awkwardly close.

Once they were at his locker, he didn't know what to grab.

"Did you really come for something?" Julie turned him around, close enough that he could lean in maybe twelve inches, and kiss her. She had a puckering look, a silly look.

"Um..." Should he trust her? "No, I...."

"Needed to get away from everyone?" Julie breathed a sigh of relief and beamed at him. "Me too."

They smiled at each other when the bell rang.

Julie put her hands on his arms and rubbed her thumbs against his shirt.

"See you later!" She grinned at him and left.

Tyler was left standing there in a blur of people. His heart was beating fast, too fast, and he was sweating. Did he like her?

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