Chapter Ten: Our Brains are Sick

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It was only the morning, and Tyler was already nervous. He knew he was just going to a doctors appointment, but they always scared him. Plus, he had cut scars, which were pretty hard to hide.

He put on a gray sweater and jeans and walked downstairs, surprised to see his mom already up.

"Grab something and hop in the car. Josh's mom changed the appointment time to ten and it's nine-thirty." She instructed. "She booked them together so you two could talk."

Tyler nodded and took a plain bagel from the pantry. Stuffing it down his throat, he moved towards the car and jumped in. His mom immediately started his, pulling them out of the driveway. They didn't talk the whole way there.

Once they got to the doctor's office, they got checked in and found Josh and his mom at the waiting area.

"Hey," Tyler waved over, sitting beside him. "I would say this was stupid, but we are missing school, so..."

"Yeah. I wonder if Ian, Davis, and Nero..." Josh's voice cut off. "I wonder what happened to him."

"Yeah, I don't know," Tyler muttered.

"Tyler Joseph?" The lady from the from the front desk called.

Tyler glanced back at Josh and stood up, walking towards the desk.

"Room three twenty-one," She handed him a piece of paper with the number on it. "Just around the corner."

"Thanks," he mumbled, taking the sheet.

"Do you want me to come with you?" His mom suddenly appeared beside him.

"I'm good." He told her, walking around the corner.

The office had baby blue walls with light, wooden floors. Desks and posters were everywhere, but rarely any people though he did hear them in the rooms.

Finally finding room three twenty-one, he opened the door to a senior lady with curly gray hair and a pink t-shirt.

"Hi, you must be Tyler," she smiled at him. "I'm Josephine, but should be known as Dr. Dryheart."

"Hi," Tyler said as he hopped onto the medical bed. "Nice to meet you."

She beamed at him as she got the tools ready. Needles and sticks sat on a blanket on a table.

"We're just going to take your blood, some other tests, and then a normal checkup." She told him, slapping on some gloves.

"Okay," Tyler responded, his hands starting to sweat. He hated needles.

"Just look away and you'll be fine..." She soothed him, getting everything ready.

Tyler glanced at the posters but there were only random families saying positive quotes. He felt someone stab the needle in his arm but it wasn't that bad compared to the other pains he felt.

After five minutes of needles and questions, he finally got to leave, trading places with Josh.

"Do you wanna leave or wait for Josh?" His mom asked him. "We're kinda in a rush because I have work."

"We can go," Tyler told her. He waved to his mom and they left the building. Tyler hated doctors offices after that.

The only reason him and Josh got to stay home then rather go to school was because the police thought since they might have been traumatized, they should regain their sanity. So Josh and Tyler took it as a free ticket off.

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