Chapter 3

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Alex's POV

It got to lunch and I'd discovered the quiet boy who was in my English was called Zack, he seemed nice enough to acknowledge me, let alone talk to me. I observed that it was true, american high school was really how I'd heard. More free, more open, but certainly not calmer, it probably made it less calm. He wasn't  a boy of many words, Zack, he'd muttered to everyone that asked him why he never spoke and he would simply reply with 'Talking without thought isn't really talking at all.' and really, it wasn't. I'd rather have short conversations with meaning rather than long conversations full of emptiness. I'd only been here for a few hours yet I'd accounted and taken in every persons face and matched it to their name aswell as the textures in the walls. My dad's really into architecture so it comes naturally I guess.

"Hey, um, Alex?" I surfaced my mind from Mars and back down to Zack who was now stood up with the rest of the dinner hall, overlooking a fight. I simply hmm'ed and offered a raised eyebrow, this sandwhich was too good to be wasted, "Would you want to come round mine tonight? Just for a couple of hours, I mean I have video games, food-. "Food? Like food for free? FREE FOOD AND VIDEO GAMES?" The boy was now stood laughing as I felt my eyes widen at how loud I had been gaining the attention of a few of the seemed to be 'jocks'. It turns out we all had to enroll in atleast one sport or two but whether you got onto the teams were a whole different matter. All this was baby-fed to me by Zack during History just before lunch.

l fumbled around in my newly opened locker and took in the smell of modly sandwhiches, not what I was expecting but it was a locker and it was close to my home room so I couldn't really complain too much. After scraping the papers and notes I'd collected from the past classes, of what was still my first day, I ruffled them into the depths of my bag I'd probably just clean out within the first few seconds of getting through my bedroom door. Then I realised, Zack's. I rushed to the main doors, not caring who I knocked into when I was greeted by the boy stood outside the doors already waiting. "How long have you been here?" I asked, out of breath from running just a short space. "Only a few minutes, don't worry Alex." I recieved a shy smile, why did he have to call me by my full name? It didn't sound right people calling me that. Maybe I needed a nickname, anything was better than Alexander William Gaskarth, I had to admit it. It turns out Zack only lived a few blocks from me.

Jack's POV

I found the only empty table and sat myself down, bracing myself for what group would end up sitting next to me within the next few seconds. Rian came along and pulled up his seat before the rest of the team did, patting my back. "Yo, Barakat. Thanks for saving the table man, feel free to stay, yeah?" We broke out in histerical laughter. The first time I sat on their table I had no idea who any of them were and after they'd thanked me for saving it I got up to leave. I used to be this turtle inside his shell that wouldn't utter a word to anyone for weeks of me being here but now? I was like a freaking butterfly coming out of it's kakoon. I was talkative, I was loud, I was now dripping hot sauce onto my jeans although no one had realised just yet, I decided that yes I could escape to the toilets. I phaced through the canteen although I managed to catch atleast fifty peoples attention but I didn't care much for their names. As long as I had Rian I was fine with anything life could through at me. I ruffled my jeans off in the cubicle and rubbed the fabric with soapy hot water. I was surprised when it actually worked but hey, another perk of having May as a sister. The blaring of Blink from my phone brought me back down to earth and realise I really should of put my phone on silent because now I was panicking around in the toilet whilst trying to pull my jeans up, not exacty a multi-tasker myself.

It was official. Home alone for a week. May was going on holiday with her latest 'boyfriend' whilst both of my parents decided they could use some 'alone time' and I do not even want to think of what that entitles. I knew what it meant for me though, party. This was it, my time to shine. Of course within a matter of minutes the word spread around the school that 'Jack Barakat's having a party tonight whilst his parents are out' and I wasn't even sure who was coming. It started with just me and Ri and now, even Barack Obama could show up. "So, you know that the losers will show up for it now?" And what I said next made me hate myself, possibly even more, "Well if they even dare to come within a barge pole of my house I will ram my fist down their fucking throats." And once I had, the whole group roared along with passing high five's as they walked away. "You know man, you're changing. In a good way." Rian smirked, "It's about time." Did this mean he always wanted me to change into this? Whatever. No feelings, no opinions. Just like at home outside of my room.

This party was going to be kick-fucking-ass.


Oops asshole Jack. Build up I swear

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