Chapter 9

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Okay so I haven't updated in forever but I doubt anyone's noticed. Although it was bc I was at McBusted and Slam Dunk so travelling throughout last week, I'm gonna try and update more because bank holiday. But my laptop's broke so I've had to type this on my phone whilst feeling like the biggest bag of shit ever so if it's bad then that's why.

Alex sighed with relief once the hour of detention was over, signalled by the timer going off from Mr.Briggs phone. He rushed out of the room, barely taking any intrest in the other boy who sat behind him, non-stop kicking at his chair. Finally reaching the 'halfway home' mark he'd created himself, Alex forced himself to stand under the canopy outside the burger bar simply because the rain had started heavy. After what must of been half an hour later he positioned himself to move again but his mind was shut down as he was stopped by a girl's voice."Excuse me? Can I help you?" Moving the over-grown strands from his eyes, Alex managed to catch sight of her.Once they were in the direct view of the light he noticed the bump in her nose that reminded himself of Jacks although he decided he didn't need a name, nor did he dccceserve the one he already had and honestly he just screamed 'arrogance' at me. Therefore he was arrogant, arrogant boy. That certainly had some sort of ring to it. "Were you looking or waiting for someone or?" She pressed on and Alex couldn't blame her because honestly I was a random kid stood in what must of been her restruant. "I was looking for Jack actuall-" "He's actually on a date, is there a message or anything I could pass on?" It struck Alex straight away, of course he'd be on a date, he's popular. He didn't want to admit it but he knew that even if Jack was actually a nice person, he'd done things with people and he was completely on the other end of the ladder to him. "N-No It's okay I mean it can wait for another time. He's probably fine right now so, bye." He pushed through the revolving door before heading on down the road. Although this time, he wore Jack's sweater. Of course it was with the excuses of that it fitted him and it was 'super' cold but in reality, he liked it.

Jack's POV

Being stuck behind in the kitchen was probably one of the worst idea's May had ever had for me. Of course it was just for her to flirt with the customers, even though she still had her 'boyfriend' although I wouldn't really call him that. But whatever, it was none of my business who she spoke to and I couldn't care less. My earphones were yanked out both at the same time reveal a guilty looking May although it wasn't just guilt, she looked as if she had an idea. "Listen, whoever's number you have now I don't ca-" "Alex came in to see you.." I probably should of placed the glass bowl back onto the drainer because now I'd dropped it. Tiny pieces scattered on the floor forming a circle like shape. "Jack you're going to hurt yourself use thi-" "Listen May just go flirt with the next person who even looks at you okay? That's all you ever do." It was harsh, really harsh but true. I collected each part of the glass in my hands before throwing it in the bin and closing down. I hadn't even noticed the blood spilling from several places of my palm until It came to me locking the doors and pulling the shutter down. I reached into my bag to get my jacket, cursing when it wasn't there and scrumping up my apron in my hands before walking out into the street. I glanced through my fringe to see someone sat on a wall, waiting for someone to come outside, well I thought that until he walked onwards after letting out a loud sigh. That's when my ears pricked, Alex. I ignored him and carried on dragging myself a few houses more until I reached my door. I hadn't even bothered turning around to check on him, I couldn't because that's not who I was anymore. I couldn't just go running after people, if they wanted me they'd have to run after me.

Before I even had chance to breathe, I was sauntered by my Mom panicking over my hands, asking too many questions for me to take in. I sat myself down on the staircase, joined by a First Aid kit and my Mom giving me a sympathic look. "Are you sure you're okay?" It was a gently whisper but I heard it, nodding ever so slightly but squirmed at the cream being placed under the dressing. "I told you it would hurt Jay! If you like, I'll sort your sister out in the kitchen if it's not your thing?" She nudged my side grinning and I allowed a small laugh to escape before smiling and giving her a hug. I was completely and utterly a moma's boy.

I ended up ripping my whole room to shreads to find that sweater or jacket or whatever it was called. There was still no sign of it when I decided enough was enough. Settling for a plain t shirt to sleep in instead I made my way downstairs to scavange through the basket, just to be sure. "What're you looking for now dumbass?" May pushed by me to get to her phone before standing in front of me, tapping her foot asking for an answer. "Well clearly I'm trying to find my sweater. The one I practically live in you know?" Sarcasm, lately I was laced with that stuff. "You mean the one Alex had earlier? Oh wait no of course, you didn't care. So maybe it wasn't?" Adding a 'hmmm?' and pout she skipped back down to the lounge where she would probably stay for the next five hours. Alex couldn't of had it, could he? How would he even manage to get a hold of it. Deciding May was probably lying as always with her schemes I headed back upstairs to bed down but that night something different happened, I dreamt.

Not just any dream, it was about him.


- drama wave -

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